North Indian News Package

Penetrate your brand in the Northern Region of India by publishing your brand story in Hindi and Punjabi language. 

Package Cost INR 55,000 + GST

Digpu News on Live Hindustan
Hindustan Hindi

Live Hindustan is the official news site for Hindustan Hindi Newspaper. Famous Hindi news channels in North India. 

Digpu News on Hindustan Punjabi News Channel
HT Punjabi is the Punjabi language  Hindustan Times official news channel 

Google News

Google News is one of the biggest news aggregators in the world.

Digpu News Hindi Logo
Digpu Hindi News is the official Hindi news channels of Digpu News Network, 1.2 Million viewership monthly.

Digpu News on Business Sandesh
Business Sandesh

Official news portal for Nayyug Sandesh Newspaper, having 1.40 Lakh viewership/ month

Digpu News on Times18
Times18 News

Official news portal of Times18 News Tv Channel, having above 1 Lakh viewership/monthly

Digpu News on Swatantra Parbhat
Swatantra Prabhat

Official news channel for Swatantra Prabhat newspaper, having 3.2 lakh viewership/monthly

Digpu News on Politico24x7
Politico 24x7

Jaipur based online news portal showcasing political news, having 88K Viewership/month

Digpu News on News18 Hindi
News18 Hindi

News18 Hindi is one of the most traffic generating sites in India 

Digpu News on Prime18 News
Prime18 News

Prime18 News Bihar is one of the reputed news channels operates from Bihar and having 65K Viewership in North India. 

Digpu News on webreporter
Web Reporter

Madhya Pradesh based expose today is getting 80K+ Viewership/month.

Digpu News on Daily Hunt
Daily Hunt

India’s most famous news aggregator, showcasing news in various languages.

Package Summary

North India Package Features

North India package is a combination of Hindi and Punjabi Indian regional language news channels. News content will get published on and similar news content will get published on other news channels. The total number of news posting under the package is above 12 news channels. Package Cost INR 55,000 + GST

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