Meenaa Mahaajjan’s army, COVID Knights is about building an alternative support system for the community to help build positive energy amidst the crisis.

Meenaa Mahaajjan is a Holistic Wellness Expert and an active proponent of the Vedas and Upanishads. She has been serving the society since the past 26 years now. Her expertise has always been in combining Science and Spirituality seamlessly and delivering individuals an understanding of the natural coexistence and codependence of the two.

During her programmes, her research in Spiritual Sciences and Quantum Mechanics is delivered with ease and effectiveness to the masses. Meenaa Mahaajjan has always been an advocate of spreading her teaching to the masses and reconstructing a more progressive and conscious society.

Siddhi, Powered by Humanity is her endeavour to do so. Siddhi is a non-profit, volunteer-led organisation started with a strong foundation of selfless service and the power of giving. Siddhi works on several social issues and has always been the first to respond whenever any member of the society needs support. All volunteers at Siddhi are able to develop this sense of dedication and responsibility to the society with regular dialogues and training with the founder. 

When asked, what made Meenaa Mahajjan make an army of COVID knights, she says, “The ongoing pandemic and the lockdown have been completely new and unprecedented situations faced by most of us. With a majority of India’s population being young, most have never faced such a situation where one’s freedom is virtually taken away.”

A Woman Who Touched Over 1 Million Lives Amid Lockdown - Meenaa Mahaajjan - Social News Digpu

“The population has never been subjected to such strong measures where the daily life is interrupted so extensively. This is causing a wide spectrum of problems for a different state of the society ranging from food insecurity, financial uncertainty, lack of protection from the disease, lack of awareness and the lasting psychological effect of this epidemic”, she adds.

Being a Wellness Expert and a Humanitarian, she realised the need for a sense of responsibility to ignite in the minds of every member of the community. She felt it was time for every individual to think about collective good, responsibility and collective initiative. As was the lockdown a collective effort, so is the need to support the vulnerable of the society a collective effort. So Meenaa initiated the idea of COVID Knights, who symbolised the collective might of the people to help those who have been affected by this pandemic the most.

Also Read: Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan’s Spiritual Perspective On COVID-19

Meenaa says” My intention behind forming this army of COVID Knights was not just to get food to the needy or medical supplies to the sick, it was about forming an alternative support system for everyone. We have more than 1000 knights from all over the country supporting Siddhi in its endeavour to ease the pressure of this pandemic on the vulnerable.”

COVID Knights are working in three broad areas during this constantly evolving situation. These areas include Support for the Front Line Workers, Support for the Underprivileged and establishing Alternative Support Systems for the Vulnerable groups including the Elderly, Children with Special needs, orphans, etc. 

The first part of this response is the Support for the Front Line Workers including Healthcare workers, Municipality workers, Police and Paramilitary Jawaans, and other essential service workers. This includes the distribution of Personal Protective Equipment like Sanitisers, Face Masks, Face Shields, Liquid Soap and Gowns to all the Front Liners.

The second part to this response is Support for the underprivileged, vulnerable communities, migrant workers, daily wagers. Siddhi is distributing cooked meals, dry ration kits and healthcare services, personal hygiene kits, other essentials to all in need.

The final part to this response is to create a more connected, harmonious and supportive community. Siddhi is reaching out to the most vulnerable groups including the elderly, orphans, children with special needs, etc. who are undergoing added amount of uncertainty, isolation. COVID Knights are acting as an Alternative Support System for these individuals, caring for their needs and offering the much-required human connect during this time of uncertainty. 

As the founder of Siddhi, Meenaa feels fortunate enough to be able to reach the remotest areas of the country. Be it tribal areas of Chandauli district in UP, areas of Siliguri, highways and railway stations of Jabalpur, Aligarh, Andra Pradesh,  Delhi and remote bastis around NCR, Mumbai shelters, the warriors did their best.

About the efforts, she says, “We have not restricted ourselves to cities and have mobilised our teams across the nation. The idea is to help the last person! From the first day of lockdown, we have been distributing cooked food, dry ration packets, personal hygiene kits, sanitisers, masks, PPE kits and essentials to underprivileged, frontliners, Vulnerable groups, tribal areas, migrant workers and daily wagers. I have personally been on the ground doing distributions and helping in preparation and logistics. “

Besides this, COVID Knights is about building an alternate support system for the community so our knights have been doing many awareness tasks to help build positive energy amidst the crisis. We have taken care of the children and the older generation by engaging them with mindful activities like storytelling, yoga, happiness exercises. I have been easing out the economic burden on the daily wagers by helping them clear parts of their loans. Since their livelihood is an issue now and they will face long term consequences we are trying to create a support system for them too.”

It’s time to live a life of a higher purpose and with a shared vision. We must learn to Coexist and live in harmony with each other and the environment. Individual success means nothing if we can’t uplift each other.

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