TUTLE, an EdTech startup showcases more than 1000 online courses, 400 jobs in the market and has a dedicated team of career advisors on chat.
Ambition is a child’s dream or an adult’s choice? Every graduate goes through a journey from primary school to graduate studies carrying positive inspiration from different scientists and inventions but, this mostly ends with their graduation. The external factors like job market, salary, employer, and skill development centres passively influence the choice of a graduate who ends up laughing at his own ambition considering it a child’s dream.
“A child is more ambitious than an adult,” said Srikanth, Director of TUTLE, which is an IIMB NSRCEL mentored and angel-funded EdTech start-up that supports both students and professionals as a personal career advisor. TUTLE showcases more than 1000 online courses, 400 jobs in the market and has a dedicated team of career advisors on chat. TUTLE recommends courses based on the job description and advises users on opportunities available worldwide.
“Career advice should be both unbiased and realistic based on all the influencing factors. We have great job portals, learning platforms and even free online learning platforms in the market but the only thing that can stitch them together is career advice. We believe career advice should not become a marketing tool to promote a course or a job,” said Srikanth.

Finding the right example to reflect our ambitions is quite easy but finding a mentor or a career advisor is always the toughest task for any graduate or a working professional. There are many established companies and start-ups in the space of education, skill training and recruitment that cater to the need of the industry and not many address ambitions of a graduate or a professional. “We at TUTLE strongly believe that we can guide a graduate or professional towards his ambition through unbiased career advice,” said Srikanth.
In a war between career and salary, the winner has mostly been salary. Professionals change their roles, field of study and even the country they live in for a better salary. But, can we really consider it a bad decision? “In today’s world it is important to have a good salary for a better lifestyle, but it should never be by sacrificing your ambitions. The best example are our nurses in India who work hard and are extremely critical to our healthcare system and are currently protecting us from COVID 19 in this hard time. But their salary is very less compared to a software engineer, but you will rarely find nurses switching to a non-clinical role for salary. Our directors Harish and Vishnu are great examples who left their well-paid jobs to realise their dream,” said Srikanth.
What has been your progress towards making TUTLE an ideal career advisor?
“We have partnered with world’s Top content providers including BMJ India and eIntegrity. Through eIntegrity we give access to online courses from various UK Royal Colleges, Health Education England, BAPRAS, IPEM and BAD. To encourage students and professionals we have conducted many free workshops for different colleges in Karnataka and under TASK (Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge). TUTLE also supported learning of many by providing free online courses on Research methods, English language and has provided guaranteed scholarships on various top courses. TUTLE has also partnered with Nature Careers India to provide more career options to the Indian students and professionals. In future, we will make TUTLE an ideal personal career advisor using AI” said Srikanth.
The pandemic has affected the fresher recruitment and led to mass layoffs in the IT industry. What is your advice to anyone who is looking for a job? “This pandemic has given you a second chance and ample amount of time to achieve your ambition. This is the time to give a fair chance to your dream through learning, research, and entrepreneurship. Fortune and TUTLE will always help the self-motivated,” said Srikanth, Director of TUTLE.
You can Install TUTLE on Google play or Apple App store or by visiting TUTLE landing page at https://tutle.courses/, for partnerships contact Mr Srikanth on www.linkedin.com/in/srikanth-k-638624118.
The post Srikanth explains, how TUTLE can be your Personal Career Advisor appeared first on Digpu News Network.