Dr GD Singh flag offed AACCI with a big dream of connecting 102 countries across Asian-African continent, this article describes how he nurtured his dream with passion.
The idea of PAN Asian – African Industry chamber first transpired in early 2015, conceptualised by Dr GD Singh who is in a successful management consulting business by the name of Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited, besides having established a series of not for profit ventures where he had proven his inclination and indulgence for humanitarian deeds in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and United Nations Global Compact doctrines. He wasted no time in consulting the presidents/representatives of various Commerce Chambers and professionals of high repute from the entire Asian-African region with a view to giving the business communities of both these regions a voice and a tool to foster development. The birth of Asian African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AACCI) took place in late 2015, having its global registered secretariat as not for profit organisation in India.
Dr GD Singh flag offed AACCI with a big dream of connecting 102 countries across Asian-African continent and continuously nurtured his dream with passion while increasing its reach and network, the big moment came when the chamber was registered as a Foundation in the state of Delaware, USA as a private, non-stock corporation to act as a trade & business promoting chamber supporting SMEs and industries by means of representing them as the only bilateral chamber for the Asian and African regions and help them to build better economic growth and sustainable business.
AACCI is now developed into a transnational chamber working in conjunction and affiliation with other national and regional chamber partners, dedicated to spreading the support for trade, business and investment. It serves as the key liaising body representing the views of both African and Asian businesses and enterprises having business interests in their respective countries. As the voice of business, the chamber’s core objective is to advocate and enterprise with member countries’ parliaments, industry commissions, regulatory bodies, and governments around the Africa-Asian countries to create the ultimate business network for business leaders.

The event was attended by Ambassador Anil Wadhwa — Former Secretary (East) Ministry of External Affairs of India; Mr. Vinod Sharma- Chairman for Southern India -AACCI; Ambassador Mahesh Sachdev – former Ambassador to Nigeria and President – AACCI, India; Mrs. Faduma Abdullahi Mohamud — Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Somalia; H.E. Maj. Gen. Chris Sunday Eze (Retd.) — High Commission of Federal Republic of Nigeria in India; Dr GO Singh- Founder & Chairman; Dr Neetu Singh- Secretary-General, AACCI; H.E. Mr. George Mkondiwa — High Commission of Malawi in India; H.E. Ms. Grace Akello — High Commission of Uganda in India; Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam – Counsellor (Political) Bangladesh High Commission.
As one of the fastest growing chambers AACCI has already created an impressive network of likeminded individuals as well as other growing industrial & business associations in various African and Asian countries. With Chapter offices in Nigeria, Ghana, Mauritius, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka, AACCI has also established its presence through partners in Uzbekistan, Kenya, Ethiopia, UAE, South Africa, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Rwanda etc. while the efforts are continuously going on for more outreach partners and associations along with more chapter offices, covering all the countries in the two continents. It has more than 50 members in its Governing Council and with over 250 members in its Global Board Advisory. With a speedily growing network base in Asia and Africa, AACCI has recently earned a name in India Glory Book of Records for being the Fastest Growing Chamber of Commerce & Industry in India under the title, ‘Fastest Growing Global Chamber Ranking’.
As part of the outreach for expansion & growth and for the benefit of its members, The chamber has successfully organized several conferences, business summits, seminars, exhibitions, roadshows, talk shows, panel discussions and award shows, addressing key business issues in various industrial sectors and felicitating those business leaders who have done remarkable work for the growth of trade and business in the two continents.
They organized Global Healthcare Leadership Forum on October 20, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India, addressing issues faced by healthcare industry. AACCI had organized their flagship program the first edition of Asian African Leadership Forum & Awards in New Delhi in November, 2019 which was graced by honourable diplomats from various countries along with film & TV celebrities, global business leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals etc. Consequently second Asian African Leadership Forum & Awards was organized in New Delhi on 25th January, 2020. During the said program AACCI also launched its Asian-African Trade & Investment Report 2020.
We Invite memberships from industry leaders, SMEs, MSMEs & Entrepreneurs from across the globe to join the ultimate business network. The Chamber maintains a team of experts to help drive and to meet the challenges and goals, its pro-business agenda and the mission with which it was established.
To know more about AACCI – Check https://www.asianafrican.org or you can email us your inquiries at [email protected]
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