This Children’s Day, actor Vidya Balan collaborated with Anshula Kapoor’s fundraising platform, Fankind to help and light up the day for few child sex abuse survivors.
Vidya Balan to play virtual antakshari with five lucky winners to help NGO Arpan, which pursues the prosperity of such survivors. The mission with Vidya Balan will start today, on the event of the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, which is celebrated as Children’s Day.
As the whole nation celebrates Diwali, the actor has decided to start a conversation on this very sensitive but integral topic of how to keep children safe from abuse.
“Its heart wrenching to know that 1 of 2 children experience some sort of Sexual Abuse,” the ‘Kahaani’ actor said in an Instagram video, which she posted from her handle.
“On this Children’s Day lets all of us take a pledge to keep the children in our homes, society safe from abuse and let them flourish with love hope, and joy. Fankind has joined Arpan and me in this journey to keep a World free of Child sexual abuse, have you?” she added.
1 out of 2 children encounters some type of Child Sexual Abuse (both boys and girls), while 1 out of 5 face extreme sexual abuse, as per a 2007 based investigation of the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
Arpan is one of the not many associations dealing with this issue in India for a very long time. Until this point, Arpan has empowered more than 130,000 children and 100,000 adults, guided 8000 kids who disclosed abuse and stopped all ongoing abuse.
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