Stephanie Ness, certified and influential specialist on evolutionary algorithms
January 14, 2020, New Delhi, India–
Stephanie Ness, also called Mrs Ness is an
international, certified and influential specialist on evolutionary algorithms.
She studied investment and information technology at Harvard University and the
London School of Economics, United Kingdom respectively. She is a competent
technology lawyer, especially when it comes to data protection. She studied
International Law, with a focus on UK law. However, she is also well qualified
in Austrian law.
Mrs Ness served as a patent researcher for multiple
high tech startups, which she kept advising for several years and which have
been sold at an undisclosed amount to investors. She has been an international
technology and investment advisor and interim manager for more than 15 years.
Ness concepts on evolutionary algorithms are
modelled after the biological processes of natural selection and have been used
to discover answers to problems that have many possible solutions. For example,
in the classic Traveling Sаlеѕреrѕоn Prоblеm, the chаllеngе iѕ to lосаtе or find
the shortest diѕtаnсе that would be rеԛuirеd for a ѕаlеѕреrѕоn to visit each
сitу in hеr region and return hоmе. We’ll assume that еасh city is connected to
еvеrу other cities.
A 10 сitу tour has аbоut 181,000 possible ѕоlutiоnѕ
and a 20 сitу tour hаѕ about 1015 ѕоlutiоnѕ! Rаthеr thаn tеѕting еасh роѕѕiblе
rоutе (the brutе fоrсе аррrоасh), which turns оut to be соmрutаtiоnаllу
impossible for еvеn mоdеѕtlу large numbеrѕ of сitiеѕ, еvоlutiоnаrу algorithms
enable уоu to create various rаndоm routes (the “parent” ѕеt), select
the ѕhоrtеѕt rоutеѕ frоm thаt random set, аftеrwаrd сrоѕѕ-оvеr the раrеntѕ to
рrоduсе a set of “child” rоutеѕ. Thе ѕhоrtеѕt rоutеѕ аrе thеn сhоѕеn
from thiѕ nеw рооl of раrеnt аnd child rоutеѕ, and thе process iѕ repeated
until thе uѕеr stops thе рrосеѕѕ оr thе аlgоrithm соnvеrgеѕ оn thе shortest

Stephanie Ness’s is known for the creation of
“Cellular Automata” and fuzzy clustering applications to set up new algorithms
in stochastic AI environments. Her applications of evolutionary algorithms to
security applications in Artificial Intelligence are very interesting from an
operations research point of view. Cellular automata are discrete, conceptual
computational frameworks that have demonstrated helpful both as general models
of multifaceted nature and as more representations of non-linear elements in an
assortment of scientific fields.
The use of cellular automata has increased over the
years & served as the best human cognition mimicry. They are used in:
- Robust face recognition that reads faces as landmarks and
contours. However, this is an effective means of biometric analysis and has
been in adoption ever since. - Camera model means mapping from world to image coordinates, e.g.
3D to 2D transformation and is interdependent with a number of parameters.
Parameter-less body model extraction from a few CCTV camera images can be done
by the aid of the cellular automata. - The artificial intelligence is incorporated into many devices
especially all smart systems. Smart systems include functions of actuation,
sensing as well as control in its operations. The artificial intelligence has
led to the production of robots. Robotics is a higher version of artificial
intelligence. Robots have different roles and can be used for various purposes.
Artificial intelligence combines a higher level of Deep learning in many
activities. - VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality) and gaming
applications all use the cellular automata. The AR involves the use of sensory
nerves in making a computerized world come into reality.
Mrs Ness believed that in the years to come,
algorithms will dominate and influence power structures in the world and will
make the world a more just place, as they are only as bias as their sole
creator. She created simulations in C++ that have been embedded into a Java
program and in C# and she presented her work in Copenhagen and at the
University of Cambridge in the UK.
In one of her recent research “Understanding Beauty
Using Evolutionary Cycles of Cellular Automata”, Ness explains how the
cellular evolutionary algorithms (CEA), a type of evolutionary algorithm
arbitrarily prevented individuals from mating but facilitate their own
interaction with their neighbours. It is from this interaction that a basic
evolutionary algorithm is applied in the population. The EA involves the
processes of selection, variation or replacement.
Cellular Automata has been in existence since the 1970s. Till today, new discoveries have been made which have modified the activities of the cellular automata.
The post Stephanie Ness: a Vocal, Influential and International Researcher on Evolutionary Algorithms appeared first on Digpu News Network.