Court Documents reveal Lal Bhatia’s innocence after 13 testing years

Court Documents reveal Lal Bhatia’s innocence after 13 testing years

Bhatia records his 13-year ordeal in the critically acclaimed book Indicting Goliath and puts out all that he has gone through.

  • To Stifle Lal Bhatia’s efforts of exposing large scale criminality, facts were fabricated, and Lal Bhatia was framed to protect individuals, including a number of senior officials within the United States Government. Court Documents reveal.
  • Court Documents also reveal that corrupt Government Officials Within the United States Department of Justice accepted bribes to falsely charge, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia.
  • Numerous questions pointing to crimes conducted by senior officials within the United States Government remain unanswered. Court Documents also reveal.

In his critically acclaimed book, Indicting Goliath, Lal Bhatia, author, relying on court documents, conclusively establishes, that, for favours and bribes, United States Department of Justices’ prosecutor Stephen G. Corrigan; Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Janet Berry and others fabricated facts to falsely charge, falsely convict and falsely incarcerated him to conceal Seattle based Mon Wig, Managing Member, Wig Properties LLC’s crimes.

Lal Bhatia Was Falsely Convicted In The United States, Court Documents Reveal - Digpu News

In numerous court filings, as demonstrated throughout Indicting Goliath, for example, on December 28, 2010 in U.S. v. Lal Bhatia, U.S. District Court, Northern California, Court Case No.: CR-04-40071-CW, Document Nos. 392-394; Court Case No.: CR-05-00334-SBA, Document No.: 545; Lal Bhatia v. United States Attorney’s Office, Northern California, Case No.: CV-09-05581-SBA, Document No.: 45; and Lal Bhatia v. Mon Wig, Case No.: CV-10-00072-SBA, Document No.: 78, it was deemed admitted and conclusively established that:

Individuals including, Assistant United States Attorney, Stephen G. Corrigan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Janet Berry, and others engineered and fabricated facts to falsely indict, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia, in order to conceal and protect Mon Wig’s crimes, including Wig’s bulk cash currency that was transferred and deposited in safe-deposit boxes at Bank of Credit and Commerce Limited, in London, England (BCCI); and transported in armored vehicles or flown from Mexico into the United States, through Wachovia Bank.

Individuals including, prosecutor Stephen G. Corrigan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Janet Berry, and others engineered and fabricated facts to falsely indict, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia, in order to conceal and protect Mon Wig’s crimes, including, Wig’s bulk cash currency laundered through Barclays, the British Bank; Credit Suisse Group; and ABN Amro Bank.

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How To Score Higher In ICSE 2021 Boards With 6 Easy Tips?

Oswaal Books is sharing some useful tips for the preparations of ICSE 2021 Exams that would certainly help students to score higher marks in their Board Exams.

The world faced an unprecedented problem this year. Initially, no one expected the Coronavirus to disrupt life to such a huge extent. Whole of cities and countries shut down, and deserted streets and offices became the ‘new normal’. Schools that lit up with laughter and buzz of students every morning went quite for months. As everything came to a standstill, confusion and concern about the future kept growing.

Now finally things are getting better and some relief is coming from many places. The ICSE Board has also reduced syllabus for 2021 exams as a relief measure for students. So, while preparing for your final exams, it is important to get the latest study material that is based on the Reduced Syllabus. To help students prepare quickly and with ease, Oswaal Books has published new ICSE BOOKS after incorporating all the latest changes mentioned by the ICSE Board.

Let’s look at some tips that will help you score more in ICSE 2021 finals:

  1. Stay Updated – Keeping abreast with the new modifications in syllabus and exam patterns will help you save time and effort. Make sure you have the latest versions of all ICSE books. Oswaal ICSE Question Banks are strictly based on the “Latest and Reduced” syllabus for 2021 exams. They include all questions of Board Specimen Papers. These can help you stay focused on what’s important.
  • Strategize – The pandemic has left students with less time to prepare for finals. But you can work smartly. Divide the syllabus into small portions. Assign each day to 3 to 4 portions. For more complicated topics, taking up a whole day for one or two topics is also fine. Oswaal ICSE Question Banks already have Chapter-wise and Topic-wise distribution so it is easy to tackle your syllabus with a systematic and planned study pattern.
  • Get an In-depth Understanding – Due to limited access to teachers and tuitions this year, students have been confused about many topics and are looking for clarity on their subjects. To ensure this, Oswaal Books has come up with innovative exercises like Mind Maps in all ICSE Books which help to grasp and memorise facts and figures with ease.
  • Practice – A thorough practice is possible even at home! Get your hands-on solved question papers of Previous Years’ ICSE Board Exams and Sample Papers with Oswaal Books. Also get ICSE Question Banks to work on your weak subjects. Refer to the Topper’s Handwritten Answer Sheets of 2019 exams. Oswaal Sample Papers for ICSE Board will be available soon.
  • Quality Over Quantity – While writing exams, the right answer will win you more marks than a long answer. Get answering tips and examiners’ comments with Oswaal Books. These ICSE books also allow you to refer the ICSE Marking Scheme from 2014-2019 to understand the weightage of questions and the format of answers to follow.
  • Take Breaks – Don’t overburden yourself. Take breaks every couple of hours. Studying constantly will exhaust your brain. It is important to recharge with recreation for proper learning.

As access to classrooms and teachers reduced, more and more students found a constant learning partner in Oswaal Books. So, while the pandemic restricted movement, it became important for us to ensure that at least learning didn’t stop even when children were locked in their homes. And that’s exactly what we did. Get ready to ace your exams this year with Oswaal Books. They are the first choice of all ICSE students. To buy them, click here:

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Intelligent Cameras that Improve Human Recognition

Intelligent Cameras that Improve Human Recognition

Intelligent cameras, that achieve spectral resolution as well, are the next milestone in picture and video processing.

A group of analysts at the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing at Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU) has developed such an intelligent camera that achieves not only high spatial and temporal resolution but also spectral resolution.

The camera has a wide range of applications that can improve environmental protection and resource conservation measures as well as autonomous driving or modern agriculture. The findings of the research have been published as an open-access publication. “Research up to now has mainly focused on increasing spatial and temporal resolution, which means the number of megapixels or images per second,” said lecturer Dr Jurgen Seiler.

‘Spectral resolution — the wavelength and thus the perception of colours — has largely been adjusted to match human sight during the development of cameras, which merely corresponds to measuring the colours red, green, and blue.

However, much more information is hidden in the light spectrum that can be used for a wide range of tasks. For example, we know that some animals use additional light spectra for hunting and searching for food.

3 resolutions in one camera

Intelligent Cameras that Improve Human Recognition

Seiler, who is an electrical architect, has built up a high-resolution multi-spectral camera that enhances human perception with his group at the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing (LMS), drove by Prof. Andre Kaup at FAU. It consolidates every one of the three goals – spatial, fleeting and phantom – in a cost-proficient arrangement.

“Up to now, there were only extremely expensive and complex methods for measuring the ultraviolet or infrared ranges of light or individual spectral bands for special industrial applications. We looked for a cost-efficient model and we were able to develop a very cost-effective multi-spectral camera,” said Seiler.

The scientists associated a few economical standard cameras with different ghastly channels to frame a multi-phantom camera exhibit.

“We then calculated an image in order to combine the various spectral information from each sensor. This new concept enables us to precisely determine the materials of each object captured using just one single image,” said Nils Genser, a research associate at LMS.

Simultaneously, the new camera is incredibly better than existing frameworks as far as its spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. As the environmental factors are recorded by a few “eyes” just like the case with human sight, the system additionally gives an exact sign of profundity. This implies that the framework not just definitely decides the shading and certain material properties of items it catches, yet additionally the separation among them and the camera.

Ideal for self-driving and natural innovation

Intelligent Cameras that Improve Human Recognition

Autonomous driving is a potential application for these new intelligent cameras. “A whole range of solutions to various problems has now opened up, thanks to our new technology,” said Seiler.

“In the infrared range, for example, we can differentiate between real people and signposts using the thermal signature. For night driving, we can detect animals crossing the road with sufficient warning,” added Seiler.

The high-resolution multi-spectral cameras could also be used for protecting the environment and conserving resources. “Several plastics differ significantly from each other in various ranges of the spectrum, which is something the new intelligent camera can reliably detect. Large amounts of plastics are simply burned instead of separated for recycling as they have a similar appearance. We can now separate them reliably,” Genser said.

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Premeditatio Malorum: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Premeditatio Malorum: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

In a candid conversation, Dr Vikas Kumar Singh, author of the upcoming book ‘Return Ticket’ gives his insights about concept of “premeditatio malorum”

Even the best laid out business plans can go amiss due to internal factors or external shocks. Just a few months back, who had imagined a world with lockdowns, remote work and education, and virtually a complete stop to international travel? Amid numerous books and lectures on the merits of positive thinking, an important but mostly neglected branch of ancient stoic philosophy is the practice of ‘premeditatio malorum’, or simply stated, the premeditation of evils. The concept dates back over two thousand years and was an integral part of the stoic philosophy in ancient Rome and Greece. Noted stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius & Epictetus regularly practiced this technique to eventually overcome all  challenges and downturns of  life with equanimity and strength.

An extreme example of putting the philosophy to practice was another stoic philosopher Seneca; a senator and advisor to emperor Nero. Seneca practiced what is often referred to as ‘preferred poverty’—living an austere life for some days in a month, simply to prepare himself mentally for any negative events  in life .These philosophers knew well that mere anticipation of  downturns doesn’t magically make things easier, but rather the goal is to fully prepare yourself for any unforeseen eventuality. In other words, these ancient stoics engaged in “Practicing Misfortune”. 

Could a concept like this have implications for business practice? In a candid conversation, Dr Vikas Kumar Singh, author of the upcoming book ‘Return Ticket’ gives his insights about concept of “premeditatio malorum” and how it can help any business across the globe to meet unforeseen business challenge and overcome them with ancient Stoic wisdom.

Negative thinking can be good

Scenario simulations or ‘what-if’ analysis is a common practice in MBA classrooms as well as corporate boardrooms. How often do these scenarios include extreme pessimistic situations? Over the past few decades we have been inundated with articles, books, and lectures on the power of positive thinking, both at a personal and professional level. Business leaders and managers are primed for optimistic bias, and constantly seek positive affirmations in their decision making. In this post Dr Singh argues for the equivocally crucial concept of “negative visualization”.

Dr Vikas Kumar Singh, author of the upcoming book ‘Return Ticket’

The interconnected business environment across the globe is marked by high competition and uncertainties, unforeseen situations that may challenge a large corporation or a small enterprise alike. These negative shocks could be internal to a company or an industry (e.g. a disruptive innovation), as well as unforeseen social, economic or political threats impacting all players and multiple sectors. Consider for instance Covid19 that has brought huge blow to many businesses across the globe, impacting in particular certain sectors like travel and tourism. Just a decade earlier, collapse of US housing market triggered a global financial crisis.

Due to inherent externalities in the financial sector, US housing market collapse impacted not just the banks directly involved, but also threatened the livelihood of  small organization everywhere in the world , whether its  Dubai , Durban or Dakar. Likewise, Brexit or second lockdown imposed by UK can have far fetching impact all across  Europe. Even minor border  disputes can escalate (as in recent events between  China & India) or small  acts of individuals (e.g. boycott of NBA in China, boycott of French products in the Islamic world) can wreak havoc not only  to businesses directly involved but also to allied industries , like shipping & logistics . In an era of social media and consumer activism, even an innocuous advertisement (e.g Tanishq jewelery  in India) or a minor policy statement can trigger mass consumer sentiment and movements for boycott with campaigns like delete Tik tok , Uber or Facebook !

Project Pre mortem

A useful concept practiced in some organizations is the notion of “pre mortem” in which the project team undergoes a thought experiment assuming the project has failed. Ultimate goal of the exercise is to reverse engineer and analyse potential causes leading up to the demise of the project.  Another similar practice is also popular & it involves ‘think about killing the company.’ Objective here is to pretend that you are the number one competitor of your company and thus apply all your strategies “to put yourself out of the business”. This in turn allows for careful introspection, identify potential weak links & then turn them back on to your competitors. Although simple, these costless endeavours could very well be the difference between firms that grow and survive any eventuality.

Dr Vikas Singh further adds that it would not be an overstatement that ‘pre-meditating of evil’ has almost become mandatory for growth and survival in current global environment.  As noted Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, “We do not control the events around us but certainly we do control the way we respond to those events”. Premeditatio malorum is one of the best (and virtually costless) technique for continued vigilance of potential threats and preparation for the next challenge or downturn round the corner.  “Plan for the worst and hope for the best should be the ideal daily mantra in modern times”, finally sums up Dr Singh.

Dr Vikas Kumar Singh is international marketing strategist and author of upcoming book “Return ticket.” He can be contacted at [email protected]

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Ramos Completes Century of Goals For Real Madrid

Sergio Ramos completes his 100th goal for the club, the star player shares his happiness over twitter.

Expressing happiness over finishing a century of goals for the club, Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos on Wednesday stated, “it isn’t each day you get your 100th goal.”

Ramos touched the landmark figure when he netted a goal in Real Madrid’s 3-2 win over Inter Milan in the Champions League. “Individual records are secondary, but it’s nice when your achievements, effort, and sacrifices over the course of so many years are recognised,” the club’s official website quoted Ramos as saying.

“It is not every day you get your 100th goal and all the more so when you are a defender. As long as they help us to win games and bring positive things to the team, I will be really happy. Here’s hoping I get many more,” he added.

Karim Benzema scored the opening goal of the match in the 25th minute before Ramos doubled the lead in the 33rd minute. However, Inter Milan’s Lautaro Martinez and Ivan Perisic scored one goal each to bring the scores to a level.

Rodrygo’s strike in the 80th minute sealed a win for Real Madrid.
Reflecting on the win, Ramos said: “As long as we continue to surprise people, it is a good sign. We are pleased, it was a really tough game, there was a lot at stake.

They are a very solid side, with a very clear playing style and they made the most of that, but we got a good result to pick up three really important points. The group was looking tough but tonight’s win was vital.”

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Tokyo Stocks Advance in Morning in The Midst of US Election

Tokyo stocks advance in morning amid caution over US election

Tokyo stocks progressed Wednesday morning, following Wall Street’s benefits for the time being, yet alert stayed over the US election as polling came to a conclusion.

The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average added 330.90 focuses, or 1.42%, from Monday to 23,626.38. The more extensive Topix record of all First Section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, increased 13.15 focuses, or 0.82 percent, at 1,621.10. Nonferrous metal, mining and iron and steel-linked issues comprised those that gained the most by the morning break.

On October 1, 2020, for the first time in its history, the Tokyo Stock Exchange had to suspend trading in all shares for a whole day due to a technical glitch, causing buying and selling to freeze. This was announced just minutes before 9 a.m., when it was scheduled to open.

The problem was found to be in “the system for relaying market information”, hence making the glitch a network problem, but the Asahi Shimbun reported that the glitch was due to a mechanical failure. Japan Exchange Group Inc., which operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange, said that the suspension will be indefinite until the problem is resolved. Other stock markets in Japan have also suspended trading.

Markets in Japan were shut on Tuesday for a public occasion.

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Apple’s first ARM-based silicon Macs could be in ‘One More Thing’ event

Apple has announced a ‘One More Thing’ event for November 10, for the company’s first ARM-based Macs that run with respect to Apple Silicon chips

The language here is especially notable: the ‘One More Thing’ phrase long been used by Apple – especially by Steve Jobs – in featured discussions for significant product announcements. The last time Apple utilized the expression was for the declaration of the iPhone X in 2017.

Mac declared designs to switch over from Intel processors to its own personal Apple Silicon CPUs back in June at WWDC, promising that the the first computers using the ARM-based chips would be out later in 2020. The organization said it’s rolling out the improvement for comparative reasons as its change to Intel chips in 2005: Apple says it can improve execution with lower power utilization from its own personal ARM-based efforts than it can with Intel’s processors.

While Apple is rumoured to start off with a MacBook of some sort for its initial ARM computer, the company’s ambitions are for its entire product lineup — from laptops all the way to desktops — to use Apple chips at some point down the line.

Along with new Macs, it’s also likely that the event will see the launch of macOS 11 Big Sur, which was also announced at WWDC and has been in beta for months.

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Lal Bhatia Was Falsely Convicted In The United States, Court Documents Reveal

Bhatia records his 13-year ordeal in the critically acclaimed book Indicting Goliath and puts out all that he has gone through.

  • To Stifle Lal Bhatia’s efforts of exposing large scale criminality, facts were fabricated, and Lal Bhatia was framed to protect individuals, including a number of senior officials within the United States Government. Court Documents reveal.
  • Court Documents also reveal that corrupt Government Officials Within the United States Department of Justice accepted bribes to falsely charge, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia.
  • Numerous questions pointing to crimes conducted by senior officials within the United States Government remain unanswered. Court Documents also reveal.

In his critically acclaimed book, Indicting Goliath, Lal Bhatia, author, relying on court documents, conclusively establishes, that, for favours and bribes, United States Department of Justices’ prosecutor Stephen G. Corrigan; Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Janet Berry and others fabricated facts to falsely charge, falsely convict and falsely incarcerated him to conceal Seattle based Mon Wig, Managing Member, Wig Properties LLC’s crimes.

In numerous court filings, as demonstrated throughout Indicting Goliath, for example, on December 28, 2010 in U.S. v. Lal Bhatia, U.S. District Court, Northern California, Court Case No.: CR-04-40071-CW, Document Nos. 392-394; Court Case No.: CR-05-00334-SBA, Document No.: 545; Lal Bhatia v. United States Attorney’s Office, Northern California, Case No.: CV-09-05581-SBA, Document No.: 45; and Lal Bhatia v. Mon Wig, Case No.: CV-10-00072-SBA, Document No.: 78, it was deemed admitted and conclusively established that:

Individuals including, Assistant United States Attorney, Stephen G. Corrigan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Janet Berry, and others engineered and fabricated facts to falsely indict, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia, in order to conceal and protect Mon Wig’s crimes, including Wig’s bulk cash currency that was transferred and deposited in safe-deposit boxes at Bank of Credit and Commerce Limited, in London, England (BCCI); and transported in armored vehicles or flown from Mexico into the United States, through Wachovia Bank.

Individuals including, prosecutor Stephen G. Corrigan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Janet Berry, and others engineered and fabricated facts to falsely indict, falsely convict and falsely incarcerate Lal Bhatia, in order to conceal and protect Mon Wig’s crimes, including, Wig’s bulk cash currency laundered through Barclays, the British Bank; Credit Suisse Group; and ABN Amro Bank.

Indicting Goliath, Appendix 2, pgs. 245-256.

This is a call on all people who believe in dignity, human rights and due process of law to raise their voices with the following message:

“I am deeply disappointed that the United States Department of Justice continues to protect corrupt government officials even after court documents reveal Lal Bhatia, on numerous occasions, identified, specified and detailed, dates Mon Wig’s millions were laundered; amounts, methods used, bank account numbers, conduits used by Mon Wig to launder the millions. Why are they continuing to protect Wig for over a decade?”

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Chiranjiv Patel – A social entrepreneur and a change maker

Patel is a mentor of the Startup India program run by Government of India. 

He is a thoughtful and mindful human being. His priorities have always revolved around curating opportunities and bringing in Change that only gives a fresh perspective to everything ordinary and mundane.

Chiranjiv Patel, MD of PC Snehal Group of Companies, believes in Change. Because Change is the only constant, he has given a new life to entrepreneurship by breaking stereotypes and supporting mentorship. He has proved bringing in an experienced person on board for a start-up can SAVE many things, passion, money, a good concept and A great future of our country.

He knows Youngsters these days are oozing out great concepts but don’t know how to execute it for long-term and let it survive as a successful venture. 

He has changed the way how budding entrepreneurs now look at their work, worth and concept. They don’t run to search for an investor but a mentor who can guide them through all kinds of days. 

The young entrepreneur has spent more than two decades exploring various options to be where he is today, and that makes him an experienced entrepreneur and mentor.

He is also the Global committee member in the prestigious Entrepreneurs’ Organisation, and he has travelled the world to get great exposure and learn various things from successful people around the globe. And his rich practical knowledge and will to do great to the youngsters by helping them inter startups has made him the official mentor of the Startup India program run by Government of India. 

Startup India is a well-known and received program amongst the youngsters who need guidance and help from experienced people like Chiranjiv Patel and believe in the gradual process of success and becoming an established business.

Chiranjiv Patel says, “I love to spend time with youngsters, to know what’s new happening across the world, how our future is going to be. To understand the challenges for startups and youngsters in the present times.” 

He adds, “The present times are challenging for any youngster to flourish because there is too much content and information available easily and that’s challenging. Theoretical research from the existing literature dons the practical experience, and that’s where the startups these days are not doing great in the long term. And to talk about practical experiences, one needs a mentor who can show both the positive and negative sides of a concept and the way ahead to live it all.”

Apart from Startup India program, The young entrepreneur Chiranjiv Patel has also curated a one of a kind mentorship program, Re. 1 Mentorship Program. The program allows growing with the gradual process and every day under the guidance of Chiranjiv Patel. To provide practical knowledge of his direction, he gives every selected startup an opportunity in his well-knitted networking world. And let the startups grow with him. 

The Changemaker, Chiranjiv Patel doesn’t believe in classroom knowledge, but he takes around 6-9 sessions with every entrepreneur, to design, plan and execute one new thing every day and let the business idea and concept flourish and bloom like never before.

“I love to see startups grow. I feel the youngsters these days believe to be perfectionists but forget that perfectionists don’t have a long way to go it is the explorer who wins the game. The one who makes the most of the mistakes is the experienced one and has a long way to go. 

I tell the budding entrepreneurs to grow, change and explore to know what exists and how subtly they have to bring in the Change,” says Chiranjiv Patel, founder-trustee of Karma Foundation.

To know more, visit

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Top 10 Trusted Mobile App Development Companies In Dubai, UAE 2021

Let’s look at the top 10 mobile app development companies in Dubai, UAE to work with in 2021 – Researched by

Technology is transforming the lifestyle of people and has become today’s necessity. If we talk about Middle East regions, Dubai, UAE, is on top of using the latest technologies. From digital payments, online shopping, education, healthcare, events booking, everything is possible through a few taps on your smartphone. In this tech era, more businesses are using mobile apps to reach their clients or customers. Dubai is rising as a technology hub for MENA, making it a natural choice for startups to grow their business.

To have a mobile app for your business, you need a good app idea with the best app developers in the market. The high growth of startups to enterprise-level organizations in Dubai creates a high demand for app developers. Team of researched a list of Top 10 app developers in Dubai 2021 that helps you to hire the most trustworthy app development partner for your business needs.

The List Of Top 10 App Development Companies In Dubai, UAE 2021 Research By

1. Hyperlink InfoSystem

Hyperlink InfoSystem is one of the top trustworthy app development companies in Dubai, UAE having their presence in India, the USA, and the UK. Since 2011, the company has developed more than 3500 apps, designed 1600+ websites, and 400+ projects on the latest technologies, including CRM, AI, IoT, Data Science, etc. worked with more than 2300+ global clients from that more than 400 clients in Dubai, UAE. The company offers web and app development, AI solutions, Salesforce solutions, IoT development, Big Data, AR/VR, Blockchain, CRM Solutions, and many more. They have a team of 250+ skilled teams who are always ready to develop the most complex solutions.

2. Intertec Systems

Dubai-headquartered from 1991, Intertec is a leading IT solutions and services provider having offices in 5 countries. They are committed to Innovation, Responsive, Reliable, and Supportive of their customer’s strategy. Intertec uses 35+ technology alliances to enhance its proposition to customer businesses.

3. Ethos Global Solutions

Ethos Global Solutions is a Dubai based IT company. Their main aim is to make brand perception management and provide custom-built strategic resolution to help businesses maintain their positive web presence and reach success visibly in a short period. Their tactical, experienced, and dedicated team make them one of the world’s best IT firms.


Since its inception in 2006, they earned recognition as a product and services company known for its customer focus and delivery finesse. Their skill to adapt to technology and business changes has given them the reputation of being the preferred strategic technology partner for global communities.

5. ApphiTect

Founded in 2008, Apphitect is a top mobile app development company in UAE that is compelling innovations in the digital transformations arena. Developed by the skilled strength of 200+ employees, the company has been conducting several inventions in mobile app development, eCommerce, Magento, web development, and cloud solutions.

6. Whitehats Design

Whitehats is a top IT company in Dubai that supports IT network and infrastructure organizations. Since 2007, they have been at the forefront of supporting technological developments in IT/network solutions. Based in Dubai, they have a professional team of IT professional experts in all fields.

7. Global Media Insight

Global Media Insight is a leading mobile app development and digital marketing company with a passion for invention and technology. Since 2001, they have been providing the best solution by using the latest technologies. A pioneer web design company in the UAE, they can make stunning website designs.

8. Data Capture Systems Co LLC

It all started in 1989 with the aim of one man. Today, his vision is called Data Capture Systems, a group of 135+ skilled employees (and still growing!) across more than 10 offices in a different area. At DCS, they respect the customer’s time and schedule and always try to provide the products and solutions on the decided priority basis.

9. Jawahir

Jawahir is an IT company that offers unique one-stop solutions to all your marketing needs. It is the leading online marketing villa that hosts an ample amount of digital & web services for you. They aim to strengthen your business by providing the best service.

10. Intellitech Computers

Established in 2005, they always try to help clients transform their business operations using the correct sized technology with a guaranteed ROI. Their vision is to excel the best in the IT industry with cutting edge solutions and deliver the right results.

The above-listed companies are the most trustworthy based on their past work experience, and client reviews from directories like,,, and other B2B reviews platforms.

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