Donor Crew’s network is national with NGOs from around the country as well as International with NGOs from all over the globe

Donor crew is an autonomous unit of Astage India Marketing and Services Private Limited, registered and incorporated in compliance with Indian government rules. Donor Crew acts as a link between donors and NGOs seeking donations to keep surviving and working in the social sector.

It connects Retail Donors, Corporate Donors, High Network Individuals (HNIs), Bulk Donors, and CSR bodies to Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations where their money reaches the desired end. Donor Crew’s network is national with NGOs from around the country as well as International with NGOs from all over the globe.

Tailor-Made Donation Services And Counselling

Donor Crew offers five tailor-made services to our clients in the form of:

  • Retail Donation
  • Bulk Donation
  • CSR Activation and Management
  • Volunteer Base Development
  • Government Grant Counselling

Retail Donation

This is one of the most under-utilized area by organizations that are seeking donations and also the largest potential area. Donor Crew helps NGOs connect with individuals who though do not have large sums of money to offer but are humungous in number. We use our interactive, algorithmic, and technological platform to help organizations either get donation pledges from individuals or secure parameter donations from them.

Bulk Donation

High Network Individuals and Overseas and Domestic Associations are a high source of funding for Organizations. This is an area that is usually their focal point, though it comes with a few technicalities and legalities. Organizations have to ensure that the money being donated to them is clean and earned from legal means as otherwise can land them in legal battle with the state.

Donor Crew helps build communication between these High Network Individuals and Overseas and Domestic Associations, leading to trustworthy partnerships where organizations are saved from having to look out for themselves and these High Network Individuals and Overseas and Domestic Associations can be sure that their money is actually making the intended difference.

CSR Activation and Management

Corporates with a net-worth of Rs. 500 crores or US$77.5 million, the revenue of ₹1,000 crores (US$155 million) or net profit of ₹5 crores (US$ 660,000) are required by law to channel 2% of their profits towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. At Donor Crew, we help Corporates to participate in and activate their CSR projects and help them manage them. We also provide services to helping them measure and audit their CSR initiatives.

Volunteer Base Development

It is a fact that without the contributions of volunteers, many NGOs would not exist. Volunteers cut costs for NGOs by generously donating their time to the organization and getting work done without depleting budgets. At Donor Crew, our biggest support are our volunteers who comprise of FOs/CEOs/CAs/SOCIAL INFLUENCERs/STUDENTS and even laymen. They promote us at different levels like peer meetings, PTA, Professional forums etc. and we ultimately pass on the benefit to our partner NGOs.

Government Grant Counselling

Financial support from the Government is instrumental to the success and goal achievement of every NGO. At Donor Crew, we offer counselling services the help these organizations secure financial grants and contributions from the government.

Why Donor Crew?

Along with these services, the upsides for both NGOs and donors associating with us at Donor Crew are that:

  • Donors have to no longer worry about the authenticity of the NGOs and can be sure that their hard-earned money is being used towards the desired end.
  • The NGO partners at Donor Crew are thoroughly checked and only then are they allowed to be a part of the platform.
  • The Foreign Funding that comes to a partner organization comes in compliance with the latest FCRA laws, keeping legal troubles at bay.

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