Football player Rajan Singh Purewal is winning hearts

With years of hard work, dedication, and commitment, this young footballer is making his name heard in the industry.

Sports is something that drives all of us crazy. It doesn’t matter whether you play it or just watch and support your favourite team. It is that one thing which unites us despite our differences and when we talk about sports, there is nothing like football.

The craze of football and footballers around the world is just insane. Rajan Singh Purewal is one of those super-talented youngsters who is making a lot of noise around because of his amazing football skills. He is the new hot topic in the domestic football scene and is very popular among the football community these days.

Born and bought up in West Bromwich, this talented footballer loves to play games and is also a bookworm. He is a great combination of an athletic and an intelligent personality. Other than football, Rajan Singh Purewal also loves to play basketball. Since his childhood, he was so much into sports that while growing up he thought of becoming a professional sportsman.

Although Rajan Singh Purewal loved a variety of sports, football and basketball were his most favourite. As he grew up, he set his eyes on professional football and making a career in it. After this important decision of his life, he found his goal of life, and then he fully dedicated his life, interest, and time to it. Things eventually worked in his favour and he got the recognition he worked for all these years.

Today, Rajan Singh Purewal is amongst one of the top young footballers and he is loved and cherished by so many people. With years of hard work, dedication, and commitment to the sports he has now made his name relevant and is all ready to make it big in the upcoming time.

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Re-invention in the Face of Adversity – Lessons by Ajay Vadhvani Solutions

AVS is an experiential marketing company serving the needs in marketing & communications.

The current pandemic has affected many businesses, and the world seems to be at a halt. We are all eagerly waiting to step outside of our house without fear and conducting our daily routine. As offices are getting operational again, and many professionals get ready to go to work, the event industry stands on the brink of changing their model or staying fixed.

There are only two ways when difficulty strikes your life, either you mold yourself and fight the circumstance, or you stand rigid and eventually fall. Ajay Vadhvani, the founder of AVS India, took the former way as he has always believed in reinventing and remodeling.

As the company looked forward to the biggest celebration this year of completing a decade in the industry, we were hit by the novel coronavirus. AVS, now 10-year old, had quite a humble beginning in April of 2010, where they occupied a small office space. But the diligence of the founding team brought success to the venture, and within two years, they had worked with 10 brands already. In 2013, they added value to their services by adopting the power of the digital. They started to offer digital marketing services, vigorous app and website development, digital PR, social media marketing, digital campaigns, video production, lead generation, and CSR campaign. AVS delivered over 1,080 projects in major cities of India along with six internationally. Today, AVS has served 108 clients of international repute, including tech giants and billion-dollar consumers like Polycom, Jabong, Cisco, Reebok, Zebra Technologies, Hummel, Sun Pharma, Tata Motors, Puma, and ESPN, are amongst other distinguished brands.

Since COVID-19 has hit the economy, many companies have failed to go digital and, as a result, are left with fewer options to market a product or service. As no one can predict the true exit of the virus from our lives, planning the future can be a daunting task. However, AVS is not facing the same problems as its peers.

As Ajay Vadhvani has always believed in innovation and adopting new ways, COVID-19 impact has not been able to stop the growth of the business. AVS has shifted towards virtual reality and is assisting the clients digitally. Ajay foresees a pandemic free world and meanwhile is working passionately to assist their clients as AVS intersects the virtual and augmented reality and is ready to serve the customer above their expectations. “The end of the pandemic will not stop the growth of digital space, and we will continue to virtually assist our clients for smooth operations,”  says Ajay.

The company recently launched, “The show must go on” campaign to manifest the fighter nature of the AVS as nothing can stop the business in the digitally interconnected world. This campaign will ensure a supremely customized digital framework for the customer, equipping business agility, and emancipating customer experience that impels engagement and brand loyalty.

As AVS assist their customers digitally, they have adopted some updated technological routes to serve the client’s needs. The company’s infrastructure has consolidated virtual events with the 3D presentation, customer engagement on social media, lead generation through machine learning, and video production.

Ajay believes that it will give rise to new opportunities and will open many doors beyond geographical borders, which will boost sponsorships from all around the world. AVS is setting a great example of never letting the difficulties get in the way of growth, and the fact that a successful business is one that works meticulously to serve their clients efficiently.

AVS is an experiential marketing company serving the needs in the marketing & communications with its head office in New Delhi and branches in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. They have delivered over 1,080 projects across all major cities in India and 6 countries internationally.

To know more, visit  or .

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In Pictures: Amid lockdown, nomads continue with their normal life in Valley

In Pictures: Amid lockdown, nomads continue with their normal life in Valley

SRINAGAR (J&K): The lockdown across the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, to prevent spread of Coronavirus, has had a little impact as far as the daily life of nomad people is concerned.

Although the movement of nomads, who migrate to pastures located in the upper reaches during Summers with their livestock, has been hit to some extent but after managing to migrate, they continue with their normal routine, untouched by the Coronavirus-induced lockdown.

A nomad family taking a break while a woman prepares food in Yousmarg.

Qasim Ahmed (53), a nomad, who had been living in the tourist destination Yousmarg for 20 years now, said that they don’t bother about COVID-19. “We are living the way we used to. Our life has not changed much after the thing (coronavirus) emerged in the Valley,” he said.

However, His brother, Usman, said that that many of the nomad people who used to earn by way of renting their horses did face difficulties but ultimately, they also reverted to the traditional business of Sheep rearing.

A nomad woman preparing food for her family amid the green surroundings in Yousmarg.

“We have a good amount of food stock available with us all times. That helped us a lot in surviving this season of tourist-drought,” Sulaiman, a nomad who used to provide his horses on rent.

He rued the fact that no NGO or government organization came for their help. “They (officials) only give lip service but nothing is done on ground. We are thankful to Allah for not having any hopes from them either,” he said.

A young boy herding goat in his bid to help his family (not in picture) to move into upper reaches of Yousmarg.

The nomads said that a strange world has been created after the outbreak of the virus. “We heard in Srinagar that people don’t even have to shake hands with another because of some disease. We were shocked to hear this,” they said.

Amid the Coronavirus-induced lockdown, sheep rearing, the raising and breeding of domestic sheep, is believed to be the most secure means of earning a livelihood in places like Yousmarg.

The nomads are thankful for their stay among green meadows and mountains, away from the panic and terrible news stories about COVID-19.

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Entrepreneur Wasim Akhtar earns good karma by serving the needy

Wasim Akhtar and his team have been contacting daily wagers and other needy people who have been locked jobless in their houses for the past 70 days.

Wasim Akhtar, a journalist and founder of an online news portal online, is helping the poor and needy people in the ongoing lockdown. Not only is he helping them financially but also providing emotional support and setting the right example of humanity.

Wasim Akhtar narrates, “I was very disturbed during the first 14 days of lockdown especially after seeing such sad videos about needy and poor people. But then I decided to move out of my house and help these poor people despite the fear of COVID-19 Coronavirus. We supply ration to around 200 people every day so that their families won’t sleep hungry.“

Waseem Akhtar and his team are contacting daily wagers and other needy people who have been locked jobless in their houses for the past 70 days. They are the people who will not beg for food to anybody, rather choose to sleep hungry. They are making sure to help the people in the remotest places by directly transferring the money in the accounts of needy people.

They have been feeding many migrants at Kurla and VT stations. On asking about it, Wasim said, “At VT station, there was a group of Tamilian migrants among which there were 6 women and 2 men, who didn’t know Hindi or English language, who were helpless and nowhere to go to, we send them back to their natives.”

The Giving Care Foundation also funded the funeral of a 65-year old man at the Worli crematorium. They took care of the expenses of the delivery of a Kolkata-based woman whose husband was stuck in Bombay. Along with this, they arranged everything for the funeral of a young girl who died after her prolonged illness amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Being a Muslim myself, I urge all the fellow Muslims that limit your expenses and help the poor and needy in such times,” Wasim Akhtar concludes.

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Namaste to Tathastu, India is revered for its culture says Meenaa Mahaajjan

In conversation with Digpu, Meenaa Mahaajjan speaks on recovery from the pandemic, life after COVID-19 and how the pandemic brought the world to Indian Traditions.

While life seems to be coming back to normal, it was encouraging to read a research study that there has been a drop in the seismic noise due to human activity shutdown. In fact, many such types of research and studies are proving that there has been a Green Recovery in the past few months.

Meenaa Mahaajjan is a Holistic Wellness Expert and an active proponent of the Vedas and Upanishads. She has been serving the society since the past 26 years now. Her expertise has always been in combining Science and Spirituality seamlessly and delivering individuals an understanding of the natural coexistence and codependence of the two.

In conversation with Digpu, Meenaa Mahaajjan speaks on recovery from the pandemic, life after COVID-19 and how the pandemic brought the world to Indian Traditions. Here are takeaways from the conversation.

While the uncertainty remains and people struggle for their livelihood, we need to realign our priorities. The key areas that have emerged in the priority list to rebuild India and make itself reliant are health and hygiene systems, self-reliant economies, relief for vulnerable groups, cooperative models for ownership and control. 

What we need today, more than anything, is each other! Yes, that is what is going to bail the world out of this situation and ensure the economic recovery in much lesser time. The world is not going to forget the fact that, all on this planet have gone through the pandemic, together, and thus together it will be that we build this world again.

Every trade is entwined even today but hardly do we see people helping the other to get up and gain a foothold. We have learnt a very important lesson through COVID-19, and thus keeping together for building a strong socio-economic world around us will become a responsibility of everyone. Today be it a country or a household both struggle with protecting its people and reviving the economy. Natural disasters leave no scope for any borders and call for collective and inclusive action. 

Namaste to Tathastu, India is revered for its culture: Meenaa Mahaajjan - Social News Digpu

Also Read: A Woman Who Touched Over 1 Million Lives Amid Lockdown

None of these can be achieved if the spiritual backbone is missing. Spiritual knowledge encourages a strong belief system, a positive approach, inclusivity and ability to share. Knowledge shared through spirituality has taught us effective ways of connecting with nature and ecosystem recovering from the crisis. Every culture has encouraged mindful living and selflessness.

The pandemic has been viewed from several different lenses by leaders across the globe. However, it is evident that leadership that drives on deep-rooted cultural values have had a positive impact. Concepts like ‘Lokasamgraha’(wellbeing of society), ‘vasudevakutumbakam’(the world is like a family), ‘ubuntu’(humanity towards others) have enhanced values and are for the welfare of each other. Ethics, ‘sadachara’ or right conduct for each other and the environment has always helped us in reviving the damage done by calamities and disasters. 

Relationship between culture and ecology is an integral part of Indian society. While we realise the need to focus on economies we can’t ignore the imbalance created in the ecosystem. Ancient Indian texts like Arthashastra, Vedas, Manusmriti, Brhd Samhita, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Ayurveda have reflected strong concepts of sustainability and conservation of the environment. 

Human values need to be understood as an essential relationship between each species and the entire ecosystem. Mahatma Gandhis’s principle of simple living is a strong counterpart to rampant worldwide consumerism which has crossed excessive numbers.

Atmanirbhar Bharat is about engaging with the entire nation and strengthening our domestic industry with least dependence on international markets. Its time we start building our own strengths and be optimistic as we might have a double opportunity. We have a chance to recapture our glory and remerge as a Vishwa guru. 

The pandemic has moved us closer to our roots. Now that the world greets each other with Namaste, we can swear that the global perception of India has changed tremendously over the past few years. Be it yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy or vegetarianism, our traditions are being followed worldwide for wellness. Let’s not lose this opportunity that the crisis has brought.  Leadership with a purpose is what we need. Tathastu!

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The White Willow Revolutionizing the Way People Sleep

The White Willow has sold over a quarter-of-a-million products to customers in India and abroad, increasingly contributing to the sleep health of the population.

What started as a casual online search for comfortable and affordable memory foam pillows in India, led to the creation of a brand offering the largest range of pillows in the country (70+ types of pillows), designed to enhance the way people sleep.

Launched in 2015, the bootstrapped startup is now a booming business that aims to bring sustainable and comfortable pillows to everyone. Aptly named The White Willow, the business derives its title from the white colour that is often associated with linen and the willow trees with several medicinal properties such as reducing anxiety, stress and pain.

In its 5 years of existence, The White Willow has sold over a quarter-of-a-million products to customers in India and abroad, increasingly contributing to the sleep health of the population.

The Idea

For the founders – Anuj, a successful serial entrepreneur, Meghna, a social worker and philanthropist, and Abhishek, an ex-investment banker – the absence of affordable quality memory foam pillows in the market seemed like a great market opportunity to address. Soon, the trio set about exploring market opportunities and customer preferences in the pillow industry in India. Surprisingly, most people didn’t give much thought to their pillows.

“We all know that good sleep is integral to good health. Many of us are aware of the various types of mattresses available in the market and how they contribute to better sleep. Unfortunately, the same awareness is not present around pillows – which, according to sleep scientists, play a huge role in ensuring sound sleep,” explains Meghna, who handles product research and brand development at The White Willow.

Delving deeper into the science behind attaining sound sleep, Meghna discovered the significance of sleeping on pillows matched to the person’s body type and sleeping style. This realisation opened the gates of a viable business opportunity that could help the masses by promoting good sleep.

Pillow Talk

Instead of diving straight into manufacturing pillows, the founders decided to map their market better to curate specialised products that filled the existing gaps. An extensive market research exercise revealed that most individuals in India either preferred a pillow that came free with their mattress or used the same type of pillow for the entire family.

Clearly, a majority of the population lacked pillow education and needed proper pillow talk to understand the importance of choosing the right pillow according to their body type and sleeping style.

The Foundation of Great Sleep

TWW founders followed a three-pronged approach to building their niche in the Indian pillow market.

Firstly, mass production of scientifically designed, high-quality memory foam pillows at low cost. Anuj, leveraging his substantial experience in strategy and operations, with Meghna’s contribution to R&D and product design, has been zealously working on this aspect of the business since its inception. Over the years, the company has created an array of pillows with varying lofts, shapes and sizes, helping buyers choose products that best suit them.

Secondly, the dissemination of quality content to educate people about the benefits of using a proper pillow for improving sleep quality. Abhishek, who drives digital marketing, data analysis and finance at TWW, has successfully created a considerable awareness about choosing the right pillow, subsequently building an increasing market appetite for its products. He also drives sales at leading e-commerce platforms.

Finally, to manufacture memory foam pillows, the company partnered with BASF – one of the world’s leading chemical suppliers, bringing German technology to India while procuring raw materials manufactured locally. BASF has helped TWW manufacture products that comply with environmental standards and enable higher air permeability as well as breathability, elasticity and longevity through the use of its polyurethane flexible foam – CosyPUR®. These qualities help enhance the sleeping experience of customers.

Steeped in the ethos of innovation and service, TWW continually launches new products and combos designed to provide comforting support to users; latest in the line being the ‘Work From Home’ range of pillows and cushions.

“Customers are our number one priority. We proactively resolve customer concerns with genuine empathy,” says Meghna. The company offers a 101-night trial on all sleeping pillows to ensure that buyers get sufficient time to adjust to a new pillow and a 30-night trial offer on other set of cushions and pillows, too. “All our products come with skin-friendly, hypoallergenic covers to ensure that users have a natural, refreshing sleeping experience,” she adds.

The organization has a strong focus on online sales, and ranks amongst the top selling brands on Amazon India and other market places. Going forward, The White Willow team aims to add more sleep products to its catalogue, including premium quality memory foam mattresses, and expand its global footprint.

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StayFit Committed to Building Healthy India since 1996

Stayfit Health And Fitness World Pvt. Ltd enters 25th year of inspiring people to stay healthy and happy in making India a healthy nation.

Based in Bengaluru, StayFit is a trusted name in the fitness equipment, fitness centres, sports, apparel, accessories segments with interest in Healthcare, Nutrition, Hygiene verticals, has been consistently serving the needs of lakhs of customers with high quality, affordable & innovative products across verticals.

Stayfit’s journey started on June 24th 1996 by a young and ambitious, first generation entrepreneur Gurukulam Ganapathy Reddy. Stayfit has served innumerable customers and helped set up Fitness Centers across India. The company has supplied Gym Equipment for prestigious clientele from defense sector to elite educational institutions/universities, hotels, resorts to clubs and gyms, with extensive experience in providing quality fitness equipment to a wide base of users based on their fitness goals. It has been acing the industry with over 24 years of excellence in the fitness industry, by forging collaborations with leading fitness companies across the world. It has brought to India the best of fitness equipment with a presence across major cities in South India.

Stayfit Hub

Keeping its Mission of a Healthy India- Stayfit has set up the state-of-the-art Gyms called Stayfit Hub, an ultimate destination to refresh your Mind, Body and Soul. The first 2 of such Hubs functional at Bannerghatta Road and Jayanagar in Bangalore. Besides to ensure that there are good fitness trainers to help people StayFit has started an Academy for Fitness Training so as to fill a void in this industry.

ORSFIT – Fruit based Electrolyte Energy Drink

Next in line has been the ORSFIT, the best electrolyte drink for instant energy for dehydration available in 200 ml tetra pack in apple and orange flavours.

StayFit Hand Sanitizer

With sudden outburst of this global pandemic, StayFit responded to the Nations call for emergency of Sanitizers, by venturing into this domain. Today Stayfit offers WHO approved hand Sanitizers in 100ml,200ml,500ml,5 L at affordable prices to meet the growing needs of the society.

Stayfit received national and international awards across the globe towards contributing in building a healthy nation. Besides working over the years to carry forward its mission of a Healthy India, Stayfit has conducted many CSR programs of Walkathons promoting healthy and happy living in building a healthy Nation.

For more information, visit

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Biker for A Cause

Sarika Mehta launched Biking Queens to shatter the societal mental roadblocks and prove to the world that women can do anything they set their minds too.

When you first look at Dr Sarika Mehta, you cannot help but notice the spark in eyes. The energy and positive vibes that she brings with her are an indication of the multifaceted personality that sets her apart from others. So, what makes this doctor different from others?

Surat based Sarika was born in a family that didn’t value girl child education. However, she found her cheerleader and support system in her parents who not only valued the importance of education but also defied family norms to educate her and her sisters. From a very young age, she was encouraged to express herself, dream big and work towards achieving those dreams. She dared to dream big and chase those dreams with determination. She was fascinated by the intricated yet distinctive nature of human mind and behavior and hence pursued Ph.D. in Behavioral Science.

Sarika, considers herself fortunate for having loving and supporting parents, husband, in-laws and children. Yet she felt she had more to offer to the society. With inspiration from her mother Maya Jariwala and husband Jignesh Mehta’s encouragement, she established Biking Queen Charitable Trust, an all-women organization, that aims to serve society by breaking the stereotypes.

Sarika Mehta - Biker for A Cause - Achievers News Digpu

An avid and prolific mountaineer, Sarika launched Biking Queens to shatter the societal mental roadblocks and prove to the world that women can do anything they set their minds too. Sarika chose motorbikes as a medium to spread awareness through the numerous motorbike rallies, including even the remote rural areas of India, to educate the girl child, along with health and hygiene, as some of the varied topics.

As a part of this initiative last year The Biking Queens visited 21 Nations covering 21,000+ kms in 3 continents, propagating the message – “Ride for Women’s Pride”. The Biking Queens after successfully completing their historic Bike Expedition from India to London in 89 days, returned to Surat.

Moreover, to support the community during tough times of Covid-19, friends and family members of Biking Queens have been distributing foods to about 5000 migrant workers and poor people from the beginning of the lockdown on daily basis. As frontline warriors they have ensured availability of biscuits and milk pouch for the children’s and pregnant women as they are most vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, any success story is seldom without roadblocks. Back in 2015 people were not so welcoming to ‘Biking Queens’ and were reluctant take part with them. Sarika, with the help of her friends and volunteers, managed to spread awareness and convince people to ride with the ‘Biking Queens.’

Sarika Mehta - Biker for A Cause - Achievers News Digpu

Today Biking Queens is a proud family of more than 45 female members and have lead several motorbike rallies across multi-continents to spread the various social messages straight such as ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’, ‘Women Empowerment’, ‘Sashkta Nari Sashkta Bharat’ and many more. Notably, her children Dhanshree Mehta and Janam Mehta were the youngest mountaineers in the world to summit Mt. Elbrus Russia.

‘Biking Queens’ have transversed 10 nations in order to spread awareness about issues that they personally believed in. Their efforts have been recognized by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in Delhi and have even received overwhelming support from the United Nations Women Organization, WHO – World health organization. Also, leaders and government of other countries have also recognised and lauded contribution of Sarika Mehta and the team of Biking Queens.

A psychologist by profession, a mountaineer by choice and a biker for a cause, Sarika is the living example of you can achieve all that you desire when you put your mind, body and soul towards fulfilling it.

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Immunity Building App by Dhruv Reddy recognised by MIT App Inventor

Aarogya Shakthi app has been selected in MIT, USA App Inventor Coronavirus App Challenge for Honorary Mention- May 2020. J Dhruv Reddy also added that he would like to donate the app to the government.

COVID – 19 or Coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. And while the countries are grappling with imminent dangers that this virus poses to humanity, there are few key measures that individuals can take to fight this pandemic. Immunity Building measures against Corona Virus, spreading our ancient wisdom through Aarogya Shakthi Mobile App developed by a 15-year-old boy J Dhruv Reddy on behalf of an NGO, Dharma Seva. 

We are seeing a rapid spread of Coronavirus globally. In India, it has crossed more than 1,80,000 cases. Social distancing and hygiene have been the most important factors in reducing the impact of the virus. Post lockdown other factors come into play like more awareness and strong immunity. Government is taking various measures to prevent virus spread. With PM’s message on boosting immunity, many people are trying to follow his advice. In light of this J Dhruv Reddy, developed an App ‘Aarogya Shakthi’ which centres around spreading ancient wisdom thus people could be more aware of the immunity building against Coronavirus.

Aarogya Shakthi contains information about all the principles of immunity resulting in a healthy body and mind. The inventor J Dhruv Reddy who is a class 10th student of FIITJEE World School, Hyderabad said, “This is a good time to educate our own people on building immunity by natural methods that our ancestors and grandmothers have practised and remained healthy.”

Aarogya Shakthi App educates people on important immunity building measures. J Dhruv Reddy says, “I have always been interested in robotics and AI. I have a very keen interest in video games as well. Therefore, I wanted to develop something unique in order to serve people and other students like me. So, I developed this app and named it Aarogya Shakthi.” Through this game app, one can learn how to build immunity against COVID-19. “The best medium to reach out to children, common public and to sustain their interest is by means of such video games,” he added.

This game app has been selected in MIT, USA App Inventor Coronavirus App Challenge for Honorary Mention- May 2020. J Dhruv Reddy also added that he would like to donate the app to the government. He is ready to keep the source code open so that any language change can be done immediately for maximum benefit. He treats this as his small contribution to the Indian government’s effort to eliminate this scourge. As the saying goes ‘all hands on board’!

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Dr Lita Mohapatra Revolutionizes Stem Cell Treatments And Entrepreneurship In India

Her journey has been no less than a dream – from a medical student to a doctor and a health icon through to a successful entrepreneur.

Michelle Obama said, “The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” This holds true for a health icon and a successful woman entrepreneur Dr Lita Mohapatra, who has accomplished every task she has ever worked for.

An MBBS and double Master of Medicine from Australia, & Fellow in Aesthetic Medicine, Dr Lita Mohapatra’s fascination for aesthetic medicine & cosmetology came from her mantra of travelling the road less taken. She has been successfully working on revolutionary skin-cell treatments for hyperpigmentation.

She received a full bright scholarship from the University of New Castle Australia for her study in Medicine and later another scholarship from the Government of Australia to study aboriginal health.

Her journey has been no less than a dream – from a medical student to a doctor and a health icon through to a successful entrepreneur. Giving in to her natural entrepreneurial stint, Dr Lita Mohapatra founded Los Jovenes Clinilogic Pvt Ltd. In the year 2018, she founded Clinilogic Aesthetics and Wellness Clinic, a unit of Los Jovenes Clinilogic Pvt Ltd.

Clinilogic Aesthetics and Wellness Clinic focuses on exclusive stem cell treatments for good skin and hair. Dr Lita Mohapatra’s work is a breakthrough in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and treatment. It is based on stem-cell dermaceutical and therapeutic medicines.

On asking about the treatments she says, “We have a unique framework of treatments for good skin and hair. These are exclusive in the aesthetics such as Mesotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), Melanin Knockout Therapy, Radio Frequency Therapy, among others.”

While the worldwide pandemic COVID-19 has knocked many people out of their routines, the world is eager to bounce back at the earliest. Dr Lita has a different take on this. She says, “One should feel like it’s a forced holiday. Because sooner or later, one has to re-establish the body and mind to go out and work. Also, we need to take suitable measures to protect ourselves as well as our family.” She adds, “Being positive creates a vibe which will propel your aura and energy towards achieving your goals.”

Not stopping anywhere while achieving unprecedented feats, Dr Lita Mohapatra’s company was awarded a prestigious grant by the Government of India, Biotechnology Ignition Grant in January 2020. Along with her team, Dr Lita is working on a rare product based on nanotechnology technique. This iconic product helps in improving sagging skin, dark circles, wrinkles and patches on the face in the most effective ways.

Dr Lita Mohapatra brings with her a strong vibe of capable female entrepreneurship to the table. She is a beacon of light for those ignorant of the crucial role of women over the ages of human existence. She has received innumerable awards and accolades in her journey. She was awarded the ‘Times Health Icon Award’ in July 2019, ‘Excellence as Doctor in Aesthetic Medicine Award’ in December 2019 and ‘Top Inspiring Women Entrepreneur Award’ In 2019 among others.

With her exemplary experience in Aesthetics and Therapeutics, Dr Lita believes good health is a wholesome product of lifestyle and care. She says,” Being in the Aesthetics Industry for long now, I can say that having a routine lifestyle is essential for being fit and happy. Not only women, this is true for men and children also.”

To all women who aspire to be entrepreneurs someday, Dr Lita has this one thing to say. “To become a successful entrepreneur. I just created goals aligned with my dreams and passion. Entrepreneurship came as a part of the journey. I say this to everyone I meet – I believe in hope, faith, smart working and a sprinkle of pixie dust.”

Dr Lita says she feels like Alice in her entrepreneurship wonderland working hard to reach the pinnacle of success and new milestones. We wish success in her journey as an entrepreneur and in all her endeavours.

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