Greenlight Planet Powers Indian Villages With Clean Energy
29, January 2020
Planet, a global leader in solar home energy products, has delivered clean
energy access to 60% of households in 135 rural villages in the Indian states
of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha with their flagship brand of Sun King solar
products. The company calls these villages ‘Sun King villages.’
More than 1.2 billion of the world’s population continues to struggle with reliable energy access, either because they live off the electric grid or because they face frequent blackouts and sudden power cuts. India’s Prayas ESMI [electricity supply monitoring initiative] data indicates that only 11% of rural areas across 66 locations in 23 Indian states receive five hours of electricity supply, from 5pm to 11pm in the evening. The use of fuel-based energy sources during these unreliable periods often leads to ailments and hardship for the household, including respiratory illness, recurring additional expense, and loss in productivity.

the residents in my village experienced a lot of unexpected power cuts. After
the village adopted Sun King solar products, I noticed that areas in and around
the village became full of activity,” said MLA Mr. Neel Ratan Singh of Sewapuri
constituency. He added, “Earlier when I passed through the lanes, it used to be
pitch-black making it tough to roam around in the night. But now, I see Sun
King lamps in front of villagers’ homes brightening the streets. I have taken
inspiration from Sun King and done a lot of work on solar for my constituency.
This company has inspired me to ensure not a single household in my constituency
remains in darkness. I’m still working towards this goal.”
product innovation is driven by identifying needs of rural customers; from
tailors working under a dim kerosene light to women in Chittorgarh that travel
up to 300 meters in darkness to use a toilet at night, Sun King solar products
provide affordable, high-quality lighting and mobile charging solutions for
underserved customers. Products such as the newly released Sun King solar
television offer customers reliable ways to access information and
entertainment without relying on grid electricity.
“The company
has built a network of 15,000 retailers and partnered with more than 40
financial institutions across India which have collectively enabled 24 million
individuals to access clean and reliable energy in the most remote locations of
the country. We look forward to working closely with residents of many more
under-electrified villages to increase the number of Sun King villages across
India,” says Greenlight Planet’s Retail Business Leader for Asia, Priyabrata
About Greenlight Planet
Planet has sold over 12 million Sun King™ solar home energy products to
off-grid households around the world. Greenlight Planet reaches remote,
off-grid customers through a unique business model involving a vast network of
micro-entrepreneurs, more than 300 global strategic distribution partners, and
its proprietary EasyBuy (“pay-as-you-go”) installment payment technology that
makes safe, high-quality solar energy products affordable for all. Greenlight
Planet’s Sun King™ products are currently installed in 65+ countries and serve
more than 50 million beneficiaries. Find out more at https://www.greenlightplanet.com.
Contact: Cassandra Barua-
[email protected]
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