Self-Reliant India Needs A Holistic And Integrated Approach – Ashtasiddhi

Ashthasiddhi is a holistic and integrated program that one can use to be more adaptable, inclusive and coexist in harmony with each other. 

There are many people and organisations which are engaged in pursuing the dream of our Prime Minister Modi, of a Self-Reliant Bharat. Many brainstorming sessions are being conducted on many platforms across the nation to discuss various ways and means of achieving this goal.

One such organisation is Siddhi, Powered By Humanity. This organisation is founded by Spiritual guide, philosopher and expert Dr Meenaa Mahaajjan. Her vision and foresight have already given the nation the concept of COVID Knights, a warrior who selflessly and relentlessly works towards helping his fellow citizens and considers his duty and dharma to serve the country.

She has been on the ground for 3 months during the pandemic despite all odds and challenges showcasing a true example of a leader who leads by example.  She has now come up with a unique program for rebuilding India, which she refers to as – ‘Ashthasiddhi’- 8 fold approach to a healthy and progressive nation.

Ashthasiddhi is a holistic and integrated program that an individual, society, organisation or country can use to be more adaptable, inclusive and coexist in harmony with each other.  She has been working on eight different aspects of human life and will impart this knowledge to rekindle the traits of these aspects in every individual.

Self-Reliant India Needs A Holistic And Integrated Approach - Ashtasiddhi - Digpu

Dr.Meenaa explains how the different aspects of Ashthasiddhi are entwined with the idea of a new and self-reliant India. India as a nation can progress in leaps and bounds if we have faith in our youth.  To make a new, stronger and better India, one would need Ashthasiddhi.

Thus, if it is important to think upon the ideas of self-reliance, it is more important for someone to work on the ground so that we can take the roots of every human deeper, and from where there is growth without harming anything in the ecosystem. Ashthasiddhi, promises to teach every individual the ‘purpose to be born human and discover their true inner nature’ to lead and uplift the masses. 

India is fortunate to have leaders who have been effective and displayed an empowering vision. Only if a leader is healthy in all aspects can he think clearly and craft a strategy. As Vivekananda said, “Give me a 100 nachiketas (youth) and I will transform India into the number one nation of the world”, such was his belief.

Drawing her inspiration from such thoughts, Dr.Meenaa feels that our youth needs to have an enquiring but balanced mind, only then can they serve the society.  Encouraging and engaging the youth to know about the wisdom of ancient philosophy and traditions will open their minds and hearts. 

Asthasiddhi will empower the youth to follow a healthy lifestyle and reject whatever makes them weak physically, emotionally and spiritually. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learnt a few lessons which primarily are about effective governance systems and sustainability. We need to make a fresh road map.

The priority has to be given to education which is not just degrees but a belief system like Ashtasiddhi that helps to unleash the power within and helps dissolve all the differences that waste time and energy. We need to educate India, if rural children can’t come to take education, education must reach them. The woman of our country must be educated enough to handle their own problems and not be dependent on anyone. 

India is sacred to Dr.Meenaa and she believes that our future can be more glorious if we raise the consciousness of our youth and handhold them on a path that leads to love, selflessness and courage. We must remember that with self-reliance must come self-confidence and self-love. Ashtasiddhi is designed to work in all essential areas of one’s life that will help in a healthy body, balanced mind and an evolved soul.

Dr.Meenaa truly believes that we have broken the glass ceiling and there is no looking back now. India is making its way to being a world leader!

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Clinicjet Brings Doctors Closer To Patients

ClinicJet a new platform to store patient data and consult with doctors online.

Queira Technologies launches ClinicJet, a cloud-based electronic health record and telemedicine platform for doctors and patients. This platform allows patients to take all their health data, from prescriptions, lab reports, hospital records as well as their clinical records and store it securely in one place.

With online doctor consultations on the rise during this global pandemic, ClinicJet offers doctors and patients a platform to constantly stay connected with each other. Unlike other existing platforms, ClinicJet is created for doctors by doctors and has a deep understanding of the key patient data that is required.

When given access to a patient’s medical records, doctors on the platform will have a comprehensive view of their patient’s health at all times. This helps doctors make more informed decisions with regard to diagnosing the patient’s condition and the prescription of medicines.

“As a doctor with over 25 years of practice experience, I was fully aware that medicine is multifactorial which requires doctors to have a comprehensive overview of a patient’s health. This motivated us to create a platform that allows patients to store the data they receive from multiple sources in one place and thus giving doctors a tool to help understand their patient’s clinical profile better”, said Dr. Rohan Sequeira, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Queira Technologies.

Dr. Sequeira further added, “During this global pandemic with movements restricted and social distancing becoming the norm, we are constantly reminded of the need to have a digital platform that connects patients with their doctors to help get them the vital treatment they need.”

“The online platform went live a couple of months ago and we’ve already seen a great response with over 100 doctors from around the country coming on board. The platform has been created using 16 software technologies and is geared to be able to scale up to unlimited patients and doctors across the world. We hope to consistently bring more specialists and doctors onboard to give patients from even tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India access to affordable and world class healthcare.” said Kanika Katna, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Queira Technologies.

With the constant addition of data and the expansion of the platform, ClinicJet hopes to use Artificial Intelligence and the latest generation of Machine Learning to provide better statistics and tools for doctors to better analyse patient data thus improving the quality and level of health care that is offered to a patient.

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Discover What Makes A Smile In One Day – Enduring Real Smiles At Royal Dental Clinics

Don’t let your tooth problems stand in the way of your smile. With Royal Dental Clinics, now you can shine on.

A smile bridges the gap between two individuals and is enough to disarm opponents in any argument. The teeth play a vital role in creating a perfect smile; hence seeking cosmetic solutions for an attractive smile are no longer limited only to celebrities. Cosmetic dentistry involves professional oral care that improves overall appearance of your mouth, teeth & smile. Although cosmetic dentistry procedures are usually elective, some cases of treatment may be essential too.

Don’t let a fractured tooth stand in way of your smile — know your restorative options that will make your smile look real!

In cases where naturally aligned teeth are stained, these can be removed by oral prophylaxis or scaling in few minutes. For teeth that are crooked or chipped, customised shells of tooth-coloured material can be fitted over the teeth surface as required by InDent Laboratory; an in-house manufacturing unit of Royal Dental Clinics.

Rediscover your full smile by replacing missing teeth & filling spaces in-between with restorations. Most patients come to Royal Dental Clinics for these shock absorbable advanced polymer solutions. Royal Technologies is at the forefront of even placement of implants in less or no bone structures to replace missing teeth using SAPT Technology. Discover what makes your smile beautiful at Royal Dental Clinics, do a self-assessment to decide if you’re ready for a change

Is your smile making you look older than you are?

Royal Dental Clinics has heavily invested in the latest dental technologies from across the globe. This aids in understanding patient concerns on a platform which gives comprehensive measures to help to diagnose the best solution possible. Digital planning protocol allows for careful analysis of the patient’s facial and dental structures through videography and digital technology. As per Dr Chirag Chamria, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon at Royal Dental Clinics, “For us, excellence is our constant pursuit. Patients want immediate results & are no longer ready to hold back for days to restore their smile. We strive for nothing less than the mastery of this medium in which we have chosen to craft.”

Discover What Makes A Smile In One Day – Enduring Real Smiles At Royal Dental Clinics - Health News Digpu
Vidisha, Marketing Director

Beautiful Smile In One Sitting – Coz One Size Doesn’t Fit

Royal Dental Clinics feature an in-house state of the art Dental Lab (InDent), which enables them to exact a tremendous amount of oversight in the customisation procedures, significantly reduce chairside time, and allows unprecedented access between doctors, technicians and patients. From high-quality materials that mimic natural teeth, to their technologically aided process for creating facial harmony through the smile, the care that they offer is truly bespoke and one-of-a-kind. It is through such advancement and inclusions that Royal Dental Clinics are able to complete Dental treatments in just One Sitting.

Know why it’s never too late to have a youthful smile. Don’t let your gum problems ruin the overall appearance of your smile!

Don’t Quarantine From A Perfect Smile

Due to the on-going pandemic & most of us working from home, dental experts believe that this is the perfect time for a Smile Makeover. As venturing out of the house & attending social events are at a minimal, this time can be best utilised to get acquainted with your new transformed Smile. Nearly any dental problem you can imagine can be addressed in one way or another through modern cosmetic dentistry.

Royal Dental Clinics, Mumbai, have separate waiting rooms, resting areas, consulting rooms and treatment rooms for every patient. Utmost care and comfort are provided to patients and relatives by every staff keeping in mind the safety parameters during this pandemic. To know more, visit

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Future Of Healthcare Industry After COVID-19

At Slimage, Shweta Diwan strives to bring sustainability to healthy living and create a self-sustained immunity in the body.

COVID-19 has waged an undeclared war against society encompassing all quarters of socio-economic health and hygiene fronts. We humans as a society just were’t ready for a pandemic of this magnitude. This has exposed the fundamental vulnerabilities in the living, eating, drinking, working, cleaning habits of human globally.

But amidst all of this, the ancient Indian practices such as greeting with folded hands, Namaste are being promoted all over the world. Many Indian recipes are being revived and rehearsed to strengthen the health system.

As it has been observed, people with weak immunity are more prone to COVID. Bad lifestyle is a contributor to that. The strength of our immune system can be largely influenced by our dietary habits. The consultation of a wellness trainer becomes imminent post-COVID-19 to build up a strong and stable immune system. “The majority of the human race is susceptible to be infected with Corona Virus or any other virus as the pre-existing immunity of the society is very weak,” says Shweta Diwan.

Shweta Diwan, a young entrepreneur and founder of Slimage Wellness Pvt. Ltd is a renowned nutritionist with vast expertise and an impeccable track record. Her customer base of 35000+ satisfied individuals stands as a gem of her crown. Shweta Diwan is also a renowned consultant associated with corporate firms, health and educational institutions. She is a well-known panellist with many national TV channels like CNBC, News24, ZEE, Total TV and many more.

As they say, ‘one who is prepared for war will win’. New viral wars would be of high infection, mild clinical symptoms, uncertain incubation period, no human immunity, and the possibility of asymptomatic healthy carriers.Balanced nutrition under expert guidance helps in maintaining essential immunity for the prevention and management of viral infections. Dedicated health consultant expert can helo accelerate the health recovery process.

“The old saying health is wealth could not be true than modern times. No matter how much money one earns, one has to pay a heavy price owing to the negligence of a balanced diet,” says Shweta Diwan. Merely following a friend’s advice or a Google search result or a YouTube video doesn’t make any person immune and physically fit. One should consult a professional, who is experienced and certified. A proven Nutritionist and Dietician to know about his health, medical history, strong and weak areas of health and immune system to prevent viral infections and stay healthy, immune and fit. 

Also Read: Immunity Building App by Dhruv Reddy recognised by MIT App Inventor

Slimage wellness clinic, the brainchild of Shweta Diwan, is a one-point solution to educate, enhance and empower anyone with a proper and healthy lifestyle. Unlike other commercially available schemas, at Slimage, Shweta assures her clients that there shall be ‘No Ban on food.’ With scientifically proven food regulation and classes, she and her team curate an appropriate meal suited to meet your daily nutritional needs.

Slimage Wellness through their focussed approach and encouraging methods work towards strengthening your immune system with minor changes in your daily diet thereby resulting in a healthy lifestyle with minimum restrictions for easy and long-lasting transformation. Well experienced and trained professionals at Slimage provide custom made schedules to each individual that ensures the overall physical, mental and emotional balance. 

“Association with Slimage Wellness isn’t a course to complete, it’s a bond more than that,” says Shweta Diwan. Slimage encourages people to stick to their prescribed diet schedule through consistent follow-ups by a team of dedicated professionals.

At Slimage, Shweta Diwan strives to bring sustainability to healthy living. She motivates and encourages every individual to react proactively to build up self-sustained immunity to various chronic disorders like Pulmonary infections, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cervical problems, cardiac, insomnia problems etc just by making minor changes to their dietary habits. Shweta through her experience has transformed many lives with simple and effective techniques.

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Internet Strip — Connecting people amid gags in Pulwama

Internet Strip — Connecting people amid gags in Pulwama

SRINAGAR (J&K): After travelling eight kilometers from a hamlet to access mobile internet on his phone, Rehan Manzoor finally reaches ‘Manzimnad’ – a place between Pulwama’s Tujan and Rahmoo villages and a link to Budgam district. Among shady orchards, people including PUBG lovers, students, businessmen and teachers can be seen staring keenly at their smartphones.

This is Rehan’s third visit to the place in a single month as internet is frequently barred in the southern Pulwama district. As soon as a gunfight breaks out, mobile operators receive communications to snap the services and people flock to Manzimnad, known as Internet Strip among the local youth.

“This is one of the many hardships that we have been facing after the erstwhile State was stripped of its special status. We often sleep using social media but awake to internet shutdown, owing to the outbreak of gunfights,” Rehan says.

He reveals, “I have to submit my assignments on Google Classroom. If I fail to submit them on time, then there’s no way left to submit them at all.”

People using mobile internet amid gag in a Pulwama village bordering Budgam district.
People travel more than 10km for using mobile internet amid gags in a Pulwama village bordering Budgam district.

It’s not just students like Rehan, but the place is frequented by youth who are addicted to mobile game PUBG. Away from their homes, these boys often stay hungary for the whole day in their quest for unravelling more and more ‘levels’.

Businessmen and teachers also visit the place and gel with the young lot of internet users, occupying the place.

Shahzaib, a young teacher, says, “We need to use Google Classroom for assigning new assignments to students every three days. Besides, all updates are now provided online only. All in all, we can’t do without internet connectivity.”

“All my business transactions are now online after the outbreak of COVID-19, the authorities keep asking us to follow social distancing on the one hand but snap internet services on the other. This is the agonizing irony!” laments Manzoor Khan, a local trader.

With the local police giving indications that their chase of militants will continue, the stability of internet signal in the southern district is likely to be jammed more frequently. However, the places like this ‘Internet Strip’ bring joy and relief for people amid the recurrent internet shutdowns.

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In Pictures: Heart wrenching scenes witnessed as kid wails over slain civilian’s body in Sopore

SRINAGAR (J&K): Some heart wrenching scenes were witnessed in northern Kashmir after a civilian and a CRPF personnel were killed while three other paramilitary personnel were injured after militants attacked a checkpoint manned by CRPF at Model town area of Sopore on Wednesday morning. The slain civilian had his grandson with him and as the civilian died after being hit by bullets, his grandson was seen crying over his body.

Heart wrenching scenes witnessed as kid wails over slain civilian’s body in Sopore (2)
Bashir Ahmed Khan along with his grandson

The photos of the scene went viral on social media platforms like Facebook, with netizens expressing both anger and sorrow. While the images of the child evoked condemnation, people also raised questions about who captured the photos at the shootout site when no photojournalists were present at the spot.

Bashir Ahmed Khan, the 65-year-old civilian, took his grandson, Ayaad along early this morning from Srinagar to Sopore area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district, where he was supposed to oversee the progress of construction work at one of his projects.

Being a contractor, Bashir was heading towards a construction site in Sopore but little did he knew that he will not return home alive.

Heart wrenching scenes witnessed as kid wails over slain civilian’s body in Sopore
People pay last respect to the deceased

His grandson had a miraculous escape. The little boy, perhaps trying to wake up his grandfather, could be seen sitting on the chest of his grandfather in one of the pictures that went viral on social media, which also shook entire Kashmir and made every eye moist.

At the Srinagar residence of the slain civilian, a pall of gloom descended on the family and entire locality. His daughter, who was visibly shocked and in grief, cried, “I want my father’s killers dead like they killed my father. Didn’t they see the little kid accompanying my father.”

Meanwhile, the slain man’s son alleged, “My father was dragged out of his vehicle and fired at.”

However, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Sopore, Javaid Iqbal said that the slain main first saved his grandson and in between, he was hit by bullets. “There were many other vehicles stuck at the spot due to the attack. They left their vehicles behind and ran for cover. Unfortunately, one of the civilians was hit by bullets and died,” the SSP said.

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Watch: Brazilian Education Minister Abraham Weintraub fled to the United States after being fired

The political situation in Brazil is complicated, but recently it has gained elements of a Netflix show. Amid suspicions of anti-democratic activity and fake news rings, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right Education Minister, Abraham Weintraub was caught on tape at a cabinet meeting screaming that the Supreme Court Justices should be in jail

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Lee Man-hee Writes a Letter regarding Shincheonji Members’ Plasma Donation

Very Thankful to the Government for Providing Treatment

Chairman Lee Man-hee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji), sent a message to thank the Shincheonji members in Daegu who decided to donate their plasma needed in developing COVID-19 vaccine.

Shincheonji stated on the 29th that Chairman Lee sent a one-page letter on the 27th June to thank the members. Through the letter titled, “To the beloved members of Daegu Church,” Chairman Lee said, “I was delighted upon hearing the news of your intent to actively participate in donating plasma (blood) for the development of the vaccine for the cure of COVID-19. I believe that you are the ones who received the blood of Jesus.”

He added, “I am very thankful to the government, which took charge of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and providing treatment for it. This is not something our church could resolve,” and, “I know that you [Shincheonji members in Daegu] have gathered your hearts in our collective wish to free all the people of the world from the pains of this disease.”

Chairman also stated through this message, “This is the work that needs to be done as citizens of this country and as true believers. It is keeping the command of Jesus of loving your neighbour as yourself (Mt 22:39), and I am thankful that you have gathered your hearts for this good work and in making this decision that is like the light,” and, “Let us all pray in the name of Jesus to exterminate COVID19.”

Lee Man-hee Writes a Letter regarding Shincheonji Members’ Plasma Donation - World News Digpu

According to a statement released by the Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention on the 23rd, Shincheonji Church in Daegu and Green Cross came to an agreement for the members’ plasma donation after discussion. There were 6,901 confirmed cases in Daegu at that point, with Shincheonji members accounting for 61.8% with 4,265 people who were confirmed to have contracted COVID-19. They were tested in the early days of the pandemic, and most of them have fully recovered since then.

While it has been difficult to find plasma donors, Shincheonji members’ mass plasma donation can speed up the COVID-19 vaccine development process.

Shincheonji members had been facing public criticism that they caused mass COVID-19 infection in the beginning when the virus started to spread. Shincheonji explained, “It seems that Chairman wants to thank the government for treating our members, while also thanking Daegu Church for volunteering to repay the government’s effort with plasma donation.”

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Karn Mehta nominated for Best Debut Male Award

Karn Mehta has been listed under the Best Debut Male category in the PTC Punjabi Awards.

Actor Karn Mehta who made his big-screen debut with the film Gidarh Singhi has been nominated for the Best Debut Male Award for the PTC Punjabi Awards to be held soon.

Karn was ecstatic when he first got to know about his nomination and it was a moment of pride for the young lad because it took a lot of struggle and hard work to finally make it to the big screen.

Karn can be voted for the best actor male debut on the following link under the Best Debut Male category –

The character played by Karn in the film is named ‘Lucky’ and indeed the young lad has gotten extremely lucky as the film has also been taken over by Amazon Prime for digital distribution and can be watched on Amazon Prime Video Platform.

Karn credits his success to his parents Rajesh Mehta and Kanta Mehta who have supported the young lad throughout along with his other family members.

Karn Mehta nominated for Best Debut Male Award - Entertainment News Digpu

Karn credits his acting skills to his mentors and veterans Nadira Babbar Ji and Ashok Purang Ji under whom he has been trained in theatre. He has also done a course with Mr Anupam Khers acting academy and a workshop with popular casting director Mukesh Chhabra.

Karn is ecstatic with the kind of response that the film Gidarh Singhi has got not just from India but also from the rest of the world. He has been receiving immense love from international fans who connect to him to praise his work and his character in the film. 

Karn’s comic timing is being really enjoyed by the audience and Karn feels that as an actor the job feels rewarding when the audience gives so much love to your film and the character. He feels blessed in every regard. The film’s trailer has been uploaded on T Series Punjab channel and has already garnered views in millions.

His journey has been quite a tough one. In the past years, he did get selected for some movies which eventually didn’t get made. He was born and brought up in Saharanpur but made it to Delhi and Mumbai to follow his passion for acting and learnt the craft from the best and is still learning.

He feels that it’s very important to keep working hard and waiting for the right time and never giving up. When your time comes everything falls into place organically just like it did for him.

Karn was received good wishes from Bollywood Photographer Viral Bhayani, popular model Dinesh Mohan and several other celebrities for his nomination. He is building his tribe on his Instagram page where his fans appreciate him and connect with him.

This first-generation actor has the right mix of talent and skills and he’s here to stay. As a child artist, Karn has also worked in the past in a Disney and Red Chillies Production named Ishaan which became a very popular show during its time.

After the success of Gidarh Singhi, Karn has been reading scripts and may sign his project very soon. We also hear from an insider that he’s doing a beautiful music video but doesn’t divulge many details about it and wants to keep it as a surprise for his fans and well-wishers.

The Young Lad is not just a good actor but has a knack for rapping too. He writes and performs his own rap and who knows he might just release his own rap song too. We must admit that the guy is quite multi-talented.

We wish this young lad the very best for the award and are quite certain he has a very bright future in the Hindi and Punjab film Industry.

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Manpinder Singh is a young rising football player from India

Manpinder Singh who hails from Dhaliwal Dona, Punjab is the new star in the world of football.

Among all sports, Football aka soccer hasn’t yet received the attention that it deserved. Despite the worldwide popularity as one of the most popular sports, football and the footballers of our country has never got the attention of the mainstream media and people because of cricket.

Thankfully the time is changing nowadays and we are seeing the growth in football and the popularity of footballers in the mainstream. One such footballer is Manpinder Singh who is the rising star of Indian football and has caught everyone’s attention with his talent.

Manpinder Singh who hails from Dhaliwal Dona, Punjab is the new star in the world of football. He is a young professional footballer and influencer who has become a sensation nowadays. Manpinder is considered as an ace footballer of the current generation. Many who have experienced the game has appreciated and applauded his talent.

His love for the sport of football started at an early age and since childhood, he worked very hard for it. While growing up Manpinder Singh would always dream of playing professional football and show his skill on major platforms. His hard work and dedication for the sport eventually made his dreams come true and now he is living his dream as a professional footballer.

Other than football, the young star Manpinder Singh is really popular as a lifestyle influencer. He is just another ambitious sportsperson who is living his dream and spreading positivity. Manpinder loves music and video games like most of the youngsters. We hope that the young footballer can inspire others to work hard towards their dreams.

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