Online Leads are the best option to get instant results

Online Leads are the best option to get instant results

Online Leads are the best option to get instant results for your business. Leads help all types of businesses;  whether you a service provider or a product seller or you are in the mode of expansion through channel sales ( dealers, distribution and a franchise). Online Leads generated through social media channels gives you instant results.

Month on month companies spending over online marketing activities; though continues marketing methods will surely give you results. But questions arise that “Are we prepared for continuous expenditure on digital marketing”?  In some cases it’s “Yes” but when it comes to brands that are struggling with low working capital than its a big “NO”.

Lead generation campaigns increase your web presence too

Online Lead generation campaigns not only help you get the potential people from the market, but it also increases your web presence. To generate 100 prospective (valid) business leads through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Google; one needs to reach to 0.01 to 0.5 million people over the web. Hence it’s a 100% win-win situation, wherein you are utilising your marketing budget in grabbing potential leads as well as increasing your web presence too.

Reaching to the right target audience

Online business leads are the correct way to target your specified clients & consumer base. A normal marketing campaign over Google (AdWords), Facebook or LinkedIn surely help you to increase your brand presence; but lead generation campaign connect you to right target audience in the market.

Let’s assume that a company is having a budget of 25-30 K monthly as an online marketing budget. Under this budget, one can reach up to 100K web users but maybe they are not the right target audience. Leads will help you to target specified people related to your business, product and service.

Leads vs daily marketing activities

Daily online marketing activities help your brand to get more confidence, credibility and presence. Daily marketing activities (Organic or Paid) anyways help you to get good results in a longer run. But leads will give you instant results. We can simply say that Leads is an instant energy recharge and daily online marketing activities perform the duties of maintaining health in the longer run. Actually, we need both the activities simultaneously.

How much online business leads cost?

One cannot give an accurate CPL (Cost per lead) prior running the campaign. As CPL depends on the business category, market scenario and the public interest.  Online business leads CPL (Cost-per-lead) can start from Rs. 12 and can go up to Rs. 850 per lead (Domestic – India). If your target audience is Niche and an HNI segment then CPL will be on higher side. CPL also depends on the number of targets audience; say for an example if you are targeting people in the specific city (specific pin code) then chances of your CPL will increase. In another scenario, if you’re targeting people in various cities or Pan India, your chances of Low CPL is more.

There are lot many factors that increase and decrease your CPL (Cost-per-lead) and it’s recommended that one should consult or hire a professional instead of trying to own its own.

For more information on Online Leads mail us at [email protected]



Smartphone users frequently change site or app, if they don’t like

Smartphone users frequently change site or app, if they don’t like

Research shows that 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another site or app if it doesn’t satisfy their needs.

It is good for website or app owner to put the relevant content on the Home Page. Relevancy in terms of explaining your services in easier and simple language. A language which will help site visitor to understand it immediately. Products and Service column with picture and videos attract users to stay back more on site.


Is your website is mobile friendly?

As per the research 68% of smartphone users never visit inside pages and switch off from site’s Homepage.

Homepage contains a direct message with pictures and videos are more appropriate for smartphones.

Why Smartphone users frequently change site or app? The main reason is handiness capability of a smartphone, which never allows users to sit and surf the net.

Appropriate explanation about your product page and services with minimum 310 words and a maximum of 500. Very long content for a topic force user to switch off from the page. Content that explains your services in limited words and mixes up of pictures, attracts your buyers and users.

Is your website is mobile friendly? Get a mobile friendly website design - Digital Punch

E-commerce sites need to work on site speed and loading of images. Slow loading images on e-commerce sites tend your users to shift to another site immediately. Display quality pictures with content and possibly with a video to explain more to the user, helps you to retain your site visitor at your pages.

Business site owners maintaining their service related pages updated and with complete information tend to the visitor for a longer stay at page.


Chia Seeds Super Food for All

Chia Seeds Super Food for All

“Chia Seeds Are The Meaning Of Life”

The ancient chia or as it is known by its scientific name Salvia Hispanica was one of four traditional crops grown by the Mayans and Aztecs of Mexico. Amongst the cocoa, corn, and cotton they even grew chia which was the only crop that met all their daily nutritional needs. Aztec warriors used to eat chia seeds which gave them high energy and endurance. Chia means “strength” in Mayan language and they are known as Runners food. It is amazingly rich in macronutrients with one-ounce serving containing less than 2 net carbohydrates grams, 8.72 grams of dietary fat, and 4.43 grams of muscle building protein. While chia seed is known to be an amazing source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also delivers the important nutrients of calcium, phosphorus, and manganese.

Without calcium, phosphorus, and manganese, the body cannot effectively prevent Osteoporosis, produce energy, combat body fat, nor repair itself. It is also vital to human well-being. That is why it is a valuable crop. Simply adding chia seed to the daily diet will help to ensure that the body receives these valuable nutrients.

Chia Seeds: Health Benefits

Chia Seeds: Health Benefits

Chia seeds are from the mint family. These are grown originally in Mexico. They became popular because of their ability to give great results to the body.

Check out the following health benefits of Chia seeds.

  1. Chia seeds contribute to a healthy heart because it aids in lowering blood pressure. These seeds contain essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3. Our bodies are unable to produce its own essential fatty acids but these are essential in supporting our nervous, immune, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems.
  2. These ancient seeds help slow down the speed of how the body digest and absorb complex carbohydrates. Soluble fibres aid in stabilizing the level of blood glucose. This will result in sustained and steady energy.
  3. They help energize the body. This is the reason why its name means strength in the Mayan language. They have a balanced mixture of fibre, fats, protein, and carbohydrates. It is believed that a tablespoon of Chia seeds could sustain an individual for the whole day. Some athletes claimed that these seeds aid them to perform at a remarkable level for a long time.
  4. These seeds help prevent inflammation in the body. Some people with arthritis say that the inflammation and pain they feel were greatly lessened after a couple of weeks of consuming Chia seeds. The joints are lubricated because of the high concentration level of omega-3 present in these seeds. Also, such seeds help the joints become flexible and agile. Furthermore, omega-3s turned into prostaglandins are known to be capable of relieving pains and reducing inflammation.
  5. These seeds have detoxification properties. The swelling action can help soothe and cleanse the colon and absorb toxic wastes while strengthening and lubricating peristalsis.
  6. They are a great source of antioxidants. They contain more antioxidants compared to fresh blueberries.
  7. These seeds are very high in protein, about 20%. They contain more protein than grains like rice and wheat. The strontium present in these seeds aids in assimilating protein which therefore leads to the production of high energy.
  8. Essential fatty acids which are present in Chia seeds are known to help make cell membranes in the brain more flexible. Also, they aid in making nerve transmission and nutrient making more efficient. This will help enhance brain function including concentration and memory.
  9. Such seeds aid in boosting metabolism because they contain essential fatty acids. A person may lose weight safely through the regular intake of Chia seeds.

Chia Seeds: Benefits During Pregnancy

  1. It is a great source of Omega -3s
  2. Replenish Lost Nutrients
  3. Slow Sugar Absorption
  4. Rich source of Iron and Calcium
  5. Energy Boosters

It Also Used For:

  • Arthritis
  • Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Weight loss
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promote sound sleep
  • Build muscle
  • Help treat Diabetes
  • Dental Health

There Are Different Ways Of Consuming Chia Seed:

You can consume it Raw by adding it to any liquid of your choice as it doesn’t affect the taste. Then can even  Soak the seeds they release “Enzyme inhibitors” that are used to protect the seeds. Finally can grind the seeds in a mixer or coffee grinder to break the outer shells before eating them. When in powder form, the seeds flour can be used with most gluten-free recipes like Cakes, bread, and muffins. After grinding don’t forget to store them in a sealed container and put them in the refrigerator or freezer.

Where Do We Get It From?

An online store: will make your work easy.  At “just 2 eat” you will find a range of Ready to Serve, Heat and Eat packaged food prepared by World Class Chefs. They provide you NON VEG / VEG / SNACKS and even SWEETS made with the best ingredients. However, their speciality is “Chia Seed” which is imported from Peru and has the highest nutritional value. Using an Israeli technology each grain is tested with a special filtration process where only the premium seed with highest nutritional value is filtered and it goes to a mildly roasted process, to make it better in taste and to maintain the highest standard of Hygiene.

Also, their prices are so much reason that you can stay healthy without burning a hole in your pockets.
They also provide you with some of the interesting recipes for Chia seed like:
In Vegan baking, they can be used as a replacement for eggs. To use them as an egg substitute for baking, try mixing 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water, then let them sit for a few minutes. A gel will form that can be used instead of eggs in baking. To make a green chia smoothie, blend 2 cups of spinach, 1.5 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds. Then add one peeled orange, a cup of strawberries and a cup of frozen blueberries and blend again.


Kunwar Dev

Benefits of Water Vending Machine in India

Benefits of Water Vending Machine in India

Water Vending Machine is also known as “Water ATM”; a coin-operated water RO (Reverse Osmosis) machine that can be installed at any Public/Private place to deliver “Healthy drinking water” at most affordable prices and convenience.

This is a very useful technology and can dispense pure drinking water quantity starting from 250ml /1 litre/ 20 litres by paying Rs. 02/05/20 respectively. This is basically a “New Generation Product” revolutionizing the Water Industry. You must have seen “Water Trolleys” selling contaminated water at Rs. 02  per glass; Water Vending Machines can be the replacement of these Trolleys. The best part of Water Vending Machine is that it is providing a glass of safe and clean drinking water at similar prices (rupees 02 (coin) per 300 ml glass).

Benefits of Water Vending Machine 

  • It’s cost-effective and economical for both rural and urban areas.
  • There is also a complete guarantee of safe and clean drinking water which frees people from worries of water-borne diseases.
  • It dispenses safe and pure water 24/7 round the year. People can purchase water on the ‘pay per use’ basis as and when they want.
  • It saves the time and efforts that people spend on travelling or standing in queues to fetch safe and pure drinking water. They don’t have to skip schools or work as water is easily made available by these ATMs.
  • It reduces the dependence of citizens on packaged drinking water, which otherwise is an expensive option, especially for those living in rural areas.
  • People also learn to use water prudently as they have to pay for it even though it is at a nominal cost.

Water Vending E-Rickshaw

Mobile Operating Water ATM  – Water E-Rickshaw

Water E-rickshaw is the another form of water vending machine that can be operated remotely and one can sell water from any preferred location. The best part of Water E-Rickshaw is that it doesn’t require any space as compared to Water ATM. E-Rickshaw is a beautiful concept,  wherein it comes with a storage tank of 350 litres and an inbuilt chiller that maintain water temperature for 12 hours. Moreover, it has similar functionality like Water Vending machine and people can avail affordable pure drinking water.

Water E-Rickshaw is a technology wherein Water storage is fixed over a heavy loaded rickshaw that comes with 04 batteries (100 AMP) and gives the flexibility to drive 70 km after single recharge. Similarly, as Water ATM it consists single/dual dispenser. Water E-Rickshaw is also a kind of New business opportunity for the people in Tier 2 & 3 towns. One can earn around 4000-5000 rupees on daily basis depending upon water consumption of the locality.

Further, many different corporations are coming up with new ideas just to fulfil their goal of delivering healthy water across the country like one corporation in MADHURAI is planning to install 15 coin-operated Water Vending Machine around Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple so that devotees and visitors could fill one-litre bottle for Rs.2 and half a litre bottle for Re. 1 coin which is actually very cheaper than bottled water.

There are several companies in India which are indulged in the manufacturing of Water ATM machines and Water E-Rickshaw. A normal 100 lph water ATM machines cost approx rupees 2.50 Lakh; wherein Water E-Rickshaw is available at approx. 2,85,000.00.

Aqua Soft is one of the oldest manufacturing company that deals in Water Vending Machine (Water ATM) as well as Water E-Rickshaw.

Kunwar Devender Singh