ClinicSpots offers advice while selecting an IVF specialist or an IVF clinic. These IVF experts and clinics offer the state-of-art IVF technology with positive results.
It is very disheartening to see young as well as middle-aged couples and individuals having infertility issues. Assisted reproduction technology, especially IVF, offers a ray of hope to these couples and individuals as they try their level best to become parents.
People prefer to approach reliable and reputed IVF gynaecologists and clinics located in metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Chennai, etc. offer the latest IVF treatments using the latest diagnostic parameters in place within a comprehensive approach.
ClinicSpots, a well-established healthcare Q and Answer platform, presents views of some of the most reliable IVF Clinics across India offering ART- IVF treatment to infertile couples. Individuals who are stressed over their infertile issues can approach them seeking comprehensive IVF treatment and approach.
It is essential to do a thorough cross-check of the IVF Clinic or an IVF gynaecologist regarding their expertise in IVF treatment, their success rate, the confidentiality factor, and visit their clinic to get a fair idea of what to expect during the IVF treatment before going ahead.
When in discussion with Dr Nisarg Patel of Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad states, ‘I have treated patients with a history of recurring IVF failure from Gujarat, Rajasthan and even abroad successfully. The patients approach us in great stress and look forward to an expert and experienced doctors they can trust completely for seamless delivery and birth of a healthy child.’
Nisha IVF is the best IVF centre in Ahmedabad under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Nisarg Patel, who is an accomplished IVF specialist. Nisha IVF has treated many patients from Gujarat, Rajasthan, and even abroad, who are extremely satisfied with their experience.
Nisha IVF relates to a very high success rate in IVF treatment under the personal management by Dr. Nisarg Patel and Dr. Himali Maniar, the husband-wife team dedicated to their patients in the hospital.
Dr. Nisarg has conducted nearly 8000 IVF cycles and successfully handled many cases of recurring IVF failure. He is associated with many IVF clinics in Mumbai, Botad, Surendranagar, Ajmer, Rajkot, and even Nepal.
In Maharastra, ClinicSpots sought the opinion of Dr Mohit Saraogi of Saraogi Hospital, Mumbai. He states that ‘Most of his patients have travelled from interiors of Maharashtra for IVF treatment to have normal healthy children. They preferred to be treated by an experienced and reputed gynaecologist who could provide them with moral support as they were too anxious and stressed about their infertility issues.’
Saraogi Hospital and IVF centre in Mumbai is one of the most relied upon hospitals in Mumbai, operating since 1980. Over the years, they have acquired a great deal of expertise and efficiency in offering IVF treatment to their patients.
Saraogi Hospital is located in Andheri and Malad, easily accessible suburbs in western Mumbai. Dr. Mohit Sarogi is an accomplished gynaecologist who is known for a high success rate in IVF treatment.
Moreover, Dr Mohit believes in connecting with patients intuitively and helping them out at an emotional level. Dr. Mohit Saraogi has more than 13 years of experience in IVF treatment, along with IUI, ICSI, and IMSI procedures. He has a success rate of over 45% for IVF treatment. He has treated patients across Maharashtra and India as well. They are satisfied with his comprehensive approach to IVF treatment. He is the recipient of the Best IVF specialist in India in 2018-19.
The Present and Future World of IVF Treatment
It has been four decades since the first test-tube baby was born, and IVF technology has made tremendous progress. Today, ART and IVF have in place with infertile-condition-specific testing and procedures which promise a very high success rate of IVF cycle.
Most of these doctors and clinics offer latest procedures such as laser-assisted hatching and blastocyst culture, preimplantation genetic testing – PGT, cryopreservation of embryos, and so on.
Today, IVF specialists and clinics offer high hopes for successful IVF cycles to patients with a history of recurring IVF failure cycles. But what matters is the expert diagnosis and accurate evaluation by the IVF specialist that helps the most. Hence utmost importance The future of IVF technology and treatment is indeed a promising one. Infertile couples and individuals can look forward to becoming parents with the progress in ART and IVF technology.
रॉकीप्ले और रॉकीSaaS वैश्विक विस्तार की रणनीति जारी रखते हुए यह कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया ।
17 जनवरी, 2020 को, भारत में वार्षिक पांशी हंड्रेड हीरोज बैंक्वेट को भव्य रूप से आयोजित किया गया था, जो पांशी ग्रुप्स के ग्लोबल लेआउट देशों में से एक था। 100 सर्वश्रेष्ठ पांशी लोग पारंपरिक भारतीय वेशभूषा में तैयार हुए और दावत पर गए। 2018 से, पांशी ने इस ग्रुप के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्यक्रम को विदेशों में स्थानांतरित करना शुरू कर दिया गया है, जिससे उन कर्मचारियों को प्रोत्साहित करने और प्रेरित करने की उम्मीद की जिन्होंने एक दावत के माध्यम से समूह में उत्कृष्ट योगदान दिया है। साथ ही, यह ग्रुप के कर्मचारियों के विज़न को बढ़ा सकता है, ताकि ग्रुप के वैश्विक विकास को तेजी से और बेहतर तरीके से बढ़ावा दिया जा सके।
एक दिन की शाम को, पांशी का “हंड्रेड पीपल बैंक्वेट” आधिकारिक तौर पर नई दिल्ली के ओबेरॉय रिज़ॉर्ट होटल में खोला गया। पांशी ग्रुप के चेयरमैन, तियान निंग ने टोस्ट डिलीवर किया। उन्होंने बैंक्वेट में 100 पांशी प्रतिनिधियों को शुभकामनाएं भेजी और 2020 में समूह के दृष्टिकोण का प्रस्ताव रखा। पांशी के हंड्रेड पीपल बैंक्वेट की स्टाइल हमेशा शानदार रही है। इस वर्ष उपहारों का कुल मूल्य एक मिलियन युआन से अधिक है। सबसे उल्लेखनीय एक बीएमडब्ल्यू कार है जिसकी कीमत 400,000 युआन है। कार आधे बैंक्वेट से ज्यादा लंबी है, तियान ने वार्षिक पुरस्कार की घोषणा की। अंत में, ऑडी बीएमडब्ल्यू जीत गई , इस दृश्य के माहौल को एक नई चरम सीमा पर पहुंचा दिया।
2019 में, मूल रूप से बिग डेटा टेक्नोलॉजी को साथ लेते हुए, पांशी के तीन व्यवसायों, रॉकीSaaS, एक ग्लोबल कमर्शियल इकोसिस्टम प्लेटफॉर्म, रॉकीप्ले, एक ग्लोबल डिजिटल कंटेंट डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन प्लेटफॉर्म, और सोशल ई-कॉमर्स प्लेटफॉर्म गोंगक्सीओशे, ने एक बार में कई काम किए। साल-दर-साल इसका एनुअल रेवेन्यू 280% बढ़ा।
2020 में, पांशी वैश्वीकरण की गति को तेज करेगा। रॉकीप्ले दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया, अफ्रीका, दक्षिण एशिया, लैटिन अमेरिका और अन्य देशों में अपनी उपस्थिति का विस्तार करना जारी रखेगा। रॉकीSaaS ग्लोबल SMEs को डिजिटल ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन से गुजरने में मदद करने के लिए वैश्विक स्तर पर भी जाएगा। उसी समय, गोंगक्सियोशे दुनिया भर के छोटे उद्यमियों को “सुपर व्यक्ति” बनने में मदद करने के लिए एक नया ग्लोबल रिटेल प्लेटफॉर्म स्थापित करेगा, जिससे वे विश्व स्तर पर खरीद सकें और विश्व स्तर पर बेच सकें।
Munir’s firm ‘Mag’ launched in 2014-15 stands today as one of the most sought-after companies for Bollywood events in Dubai and several other countries.
Mumbai, India, August 20, 2019–
Bollywood enthusiast and the founder of ‘Mag’, one of Bollywood’s most aspiring events company; Munir Awan is gearing to set foot into the industry with some exciting collaborations and new projects lined up in a partnership with ‘Aankhen’ filmmaker Gaurang Doshi.
With an eventful career of more than 30 years with experience in various fields starting from fine arts to bureaucracy to media and financing, Munir Awan has proved himself as one of the most versatile men of the industry with passion and acumen for both business and Bollywood films. His firm ‘Mag’ launched in 2014-15 stands today as one of the most sought-after companies for Bollywood events in Dubai and several other countries. Adding to his realms of success, Munir Awan has recently announced his entry into Bollywood with a co-partnership with Blockbuster filmmaker ‘Gaurang Doshi’ promising some major announcements by the end of this month.
Both Gaurang Doshi and Munir Awan hold great respect for each other for their work in the industry and are looking forward to this partnership as a way to bring together the expertise and passion of both in order to create inspiring cinema. Filled with praises for the ‘Aankhen’ filmmaker, Munir Awan shares that he holds great faith in Gaurang Doshi’s creative style and his expertise of film productions and executions. At the same time, Gaurang Doshi believes that joining hands with a veteran like Munir Awan will help him sharpen the business of his films and also bring along the skills of the versatility of Munir Awan.
Munir Awan started his career as a technician at the Governor’s House of His Excellency Shaikh Sultan, before overcoming hurdles in life through his hard work and determination, dipping his hands into multiple ventures including airlines and exports. Anchoring ‘Mag’ today, Munir Awan has worked with several superstars and moviemakers organising and financing several Bollywood events.
Munir Awan’s step into Bollywood with
Gaurang Doshi indeed promises some exciting entertainment that we cannot wait
to witness!
After a break from the industry, Gaurang Doshi has finally announced his comeback with three promising projects, and much more in the pipeline.
Mumbai, India, August 20, 2019 –
Veteran filmmaker and the man behind the blockbuster hit ‘Aankhen’ recently announced his big comeback into the industry with not just a fresh look for his production house but also a fresh look for himself with a hard-core fitness regime of Yoga and exercises.
Being one of the most admired producers of Bollywood, Gaurang Doshi has always been known for his unique style of film-making and for creating a niche in Bollywood that no filmmaker ever dared to step in. His way of execution and his supreme style of doing things with the best techniques have always been inspiring every filmmaker in the industry across generations. Although very young in the industry with his production house, Gaurang Doshi not only managed to pull off one but many blockbuster hits namely Aankhen, Deewaar: Let’s Bring Our Heroes Home and Bawander (Sandstorm) and winning several accolades for his work both nationally and internationally.
After a break from the industry, Gaurang Doshi has finally announced his comeback with three promising projects, and much more in the pipeline. His fresh start is marked with a complete makeover of his production house ‘Gaurang Doshi Productions’ and he is all set to take his philosophy of a fresh start ahead.
While the filmmaker has announced his comeback, he also has gotten himself in a regime filled with Yoga and workout in order to curate his new look and write his new and fresh beginning into the industry. He has now resorted to a routine of strict workout and physical fitness regime that are helping him make his comeback even stronger and versatile.
With such undying spirit, Gaurang Doshi indeed is a man with great passion and hard work and we are sure it will only be a matter of time that his projects are going to take the industry by storm and bring back the brilliance of his talents to the fore for all of us to cherish.
Digpu News Network Ties Up With Hindustan Times Media To Highlight Indian Start-ups To Global Audiences
New Delhi, India, August 14, 2019 —
With eight unicorns and 7000+ start-ups,
India’s start-up sector has announced itself to the world. The year 2018 saw a
108% growth in funding in Indian start-ups as per an industry report published
by NASSCOM. 2019 continues to prove to be a promising year for start-ups in
India with newer ideas, younger entrepreneurs, and a pro-business environment
created through various Government schemes and incentives.
While the sector holds promise and
potential for both the economy and consumers, various challenges continue to
stall progress, especially at the inception stage. Start-ups in ‘futuristic’
sectors such Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality are akin to immediate
attention and investment which may not be the case for a start-up with an
unconventional idea for a banking solution, given that banking is viewed as a conventional
sector. Entrepreneurs focus on a mix of innovative ideas, agile techniques, and
raw talent to find their feet in a highly crowded, often fragmented and
seriously competitive scenario which means that any form of support that
highlights the uniqueness of each idea is welcome.
There would be no points for guessing that the much-needed catalyst for Indian start-ups is to get more access to global support, whether through funding, mentoring, or networking at the right forums. To plug this gap, Digpu News Network has joined hands with HT Digital Streams Ltd. with the sole aim of highlighting innovative ideas and efforts by Indian start-ups that can help them grow through a series of stories on promising Indian start-ups.
Speaking on the exclusive partnership, Kunwar Devender Singh, Director, Digpu News Network said, “Mainstream media’s efforts to highlight the story of start-ups is nothing short of exemplary. Time and again, we come across remarkable and hair-raising experiences of young, budding entrepreneurs who brought their radical ideas to life through hard work and passion. These stories only prove the abundance of talent in our country, and we at Digpu, are proud to associate with HT Digital Streams Ltd. to highlight this talent on a global scale.”
“Start-ups are the silver lining of any economy, and more often than not, we’ve seen how their ideas can disrupt an entire sector. Be it their achievements or need for mentoring, we aim to give shape to their dreams through a platform such as Digpu, where change-makers across the globe take heed of their stories,” added Prabhakar Singh, Chief Revenue Officer and Dilpreet Kaur Banerjee, Deputy General Manager, Digital Sales, HT Digital Streams Ltd.
Start-up founders and investors from different cultures and backgrounds across the globe feel an instant connect given their shared sense of understanding and experience of starting up. At most start-up networking events, we often overhear the need for a platform or forum where every start-up, irrespective of size or stature or geography, gets to represent its ideas to a diverse audience. Taking inspiration from the famous saying by Victor Hugo that “nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come,” we see a similar thought behind the Digpu-HT Digital Streams Ltd. partnership, which acknowledges that the time has come for Indian start-ups to take centre stage globally.
CA Test Series, incepted in 2015 with digital test series for subjective
papers, has launched an AI-powered revision algorithm – IRevision. IRevision
has revolutionized Edutech with its hybrid approach to combining advanced
technology with human efforts. CA Test Series has helped more than 80,000 CA
students over the years.
In recent times, various sportspersons and international players like
athletes have improved their game by working on technology for practice and
performance optimization. It is due to the Machine Learning based software that
interprets even the minutest details of the whole process.
CA Test Series has introduced the same concept in Education. For the first
time in CA preparation, aspirants can make use of various AI and Machine
Learning based algorithms for revision. These algorithms in IRevision will
record the student’s performance based on individual chapters and subjects for
which he/she takes for revision test.
IRevision identifies the subject/chapter wise performance of the student in
relation to the highest- scorer of respective subject/chapter in the current
year and the past years. It also provides feedback to the student which
comprises the following:
The chapters which need more emphasis than others
The difficulty level of each chapter revision text in relation to the past years’ final exams of C.A.
The average score of the student for the specific chapter and the weightage of that chapter in the final exam
The revision time required to improve the performance at par to the highest-scorer in the CA test series
A comparative analysis of the previous and latest revision tests – showing the level of improvements, if any, since last revision.
The relative performance of the student in relation to the highest-scorer
The relative performance of the student in relation to the previous year’s highest-scorer:
The subjects that the highest scorers have emphasized on
The memory system tells the student when to revise a particular topic again.
All these factors are automatically calculated by Machine Learning Software.
These help the student to prepare a precise and clear strategy for preparation
of the exam.
“This AI algorithm took several months to be designed and developed. The
system is based on a unique concept which suggests the student when to revise,
which topic to revise, how much practice is required, and when to revise the
same again based on your memory. It is just like an expert trainer providing dedicated
guidance to a student for 12 hours according to their learning pace and memory
retention”, said Mr Mayur Singla, Spokesperson, CA Test Series on being asked
about IRevision.
IRevision ( consists of a vast set of Machine Learning algorithms working in tandem to process the data. The experienced programmers have been working tirelessly for improving the system. It is aided by the knowledge collected from various universities, study patterns and the process undertaken by these universities for preparation for the exam. We have worked hard on identifying scientific ways for enhancing memory power.
As per Mr Singla, “The mantra to success is to understand your ability and use them strategically, For an exam which is already dreaded everywhere, IRevision helps the aspirants to understand their learning pace and problem areas respectively. It guides them on the specific chapter and subject to be revised until clarity is achieved on the subject matter.”
The pumphouse has the highest pumping and motor capacity in the globe
Aided by 7 motors with 139 MW capacity each and 1unit weight with all auxiliaries 2376 MT
It can lift 2 TMC water per day is the highest, which is the highest in the world
Biggest Underground Cavern And Asia’s Longest Tunnel In A Scheme Over 203km
The first underground 160MVA pump transformer in the world with an exclusive 400/13.8/11 KV sub-station
Consists of the world’s largest surge pools to ensure uninterrupted pumping
Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (MEIL) has made yet another glorious achievement in the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP). MEIL successfully commenced operations in the world’s largest Laxmipur Underground Pumping Station (LUPS – the Package 8). The pump house has been named after the goddess Gayatri, successfully completed the wet run executed by switching on the 5th machine in LUPS on the night of 11th August. With this, around 3000 cusecs of water rose to over 111 meters and flew into Mid-Manair through the gravity canal. Telangana CM Mr K. Chandrashekar Rao is expected to inaugurate the Pumping Station on 14th August.
MEIL has successfully changed the direction of Godavari River from downstream to the upstream stretch of the water contrary to the natural flow of water. The Pranahitha – Godavari river water will flow back to reach the LUPS from Medigadda via Annaram and Sundilla. A landmark in the global lift irrigation sector, the Laxmipur Underground Pumping Station Gayatri of Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project has been completed in just 3 years. The KLIP has yet another engineering marvel in its name, the world’s largest underground pumping station, constructed 470 feet below the Earth’s surface. The LUPS would enable storage in several reservoirs through the year in the river belt.
“KLIP is the world’s most innovative mega project in the industry. There is an underground pumphouse, 470 ft below the ground with twin tunnels and the largest surge pools in the world. This is an ultra-mega project in the world, having 7 motors, each having a capacity of 139 MW. These motors can lift 3 TMC of water per day. This accomplishment is ‘Make In India’ as the Motors are Indian-made and are based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology. All the electrical infrastructure has been constructed with 3057 MWs capacity, comprising of six 400KV and 220KV substations, transformers and 260 km of transmission lines, 7 KMs of 400 Kv XLPE under Ground Cable. Other key features include the twin tunnels of length 4133 mt and diameter 10 mt, world’s biggest surge pools and the extraordinary size of the Pump House.” said Mr B Srinivas Reddy, Director, MEIL, speaking about the array of achievements.
Lift Irrigation projects are usually constructed at ground level. However,
This LUPS has been built underground with a pumping capacity of 2 TMCs of water
per day. 21.6 Lakh CuM of soil has been excavated from 470 ft below Earth’s
surface for lifting an enormous amount of underground water by pumps and
motors. A 160 KVA capacity pump transformer has been set up to run the motors
with 139MW of power.
The project consists of four surge pools for storage ensuring uninterrupted water pumping. Further, the turbine pumps have been erected at a depth of 138 mt under the ground. Each motor pump weighs around 2,376 metric tonnes, which gives them the name ‘Mega Motors’.
The team behind the iconic project
Megha Engineering Infrastructure Limited (MEIL) with 30 years of its rich
technical expertise in such complex and high-end electro-mechanical works has
been executing this project as a mission with an objective to deliver water to
the farmlands in time and quench the thirst of Telangana.
“We feel honoured to be part of Telangana’s dream project and the world’s biggest lift irrigation project, the KLIP. It has been a privilege and a lifetime opportunity to execute with world-class technology by coordinating with the world’s best engineering suppliers and realizing the dreams of Telangana. CM Mr K Chandrashekar Rao’s supervision and determination pushed our team to complete the project in time”, said Mr Reddy, on being asked about the record-setting pumping station.
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Gaurang Doshi, the man behind the classic super hit film Aankhen, Deewaar: Let’s Bring Our Heroes Home and Bawandar, is back onto the silver screen pairing up with writer turned director Neeraj Pathak for the first time with a whole new set of projects in the pipeline.
Ever since his 2002 release ‘Aankhen’ starring megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Sushmita Sen and Akshay Kumar; Gaurang Doshi has made a mark in the Bollywood industry as one of the most iconic producers and filmmakers of Indian cinema. Getting into the industry as a small-time producer and managing to convince Big B for his movie ‘Aankhen’ with nothing but a single script reading and a post-dated cheque in the star’s name, Gaurang Doshi has carved his way to his dreams and success in the industry with his passion and determination. The movie garnered both national and international success becoming the first movie to have ever been bid on by Hollywood for movie rights.
Returning to the industry following a long hiatus, Gaurang Doshi announces his smashing come back with not just a revamped look and logo for his production house ‘Gaurang Doshi Productions’ but also a new partnership with renowned writer turned director Neeraj Pathak for his ‘Happy Anniversary’. Gaurang Doshi news has it that the duo has teamed up for Gaurang’s upcoming release which still remains under the wraps for the media.
Neeraj Pathak has earlier worked on movies like Right Ya Wrong, Apne, Bhaiaji Superhit and has driven great respect in the industry for his meticulous direction and sincerity. According to sources regarding Gaurang Doshi’s news, the partnership will have Neeraj Pathak working on the direction and screenplay while Gaurang Doshi will make his comeback in story and script. Both Neeraj and Gaurang seem to be really excited about this new collaboration and have been known to be really admiring of each other’s work.
Previously, Gaurang Doshi also announced a new look and revival of his production house ‘Gaurang Doshi Productions’ with a new logo and philosophy marking the beginning of a fresh start. His production house has been the banner for several of his back to back hits like Deewaar: Let’s Bring Our Heroes Home and Bawandar. His excellence in movie production and his knack for sighting the right opportunity in the right place; Gaurang Doshi also became the first-ever producer to bag four Limca world records for his movies.
The new collaboration has left the entire industry in awe and anticipation as the dynamic duo are sure to create some great action onto the big screen with their work. While Neeraj Pathak’s sincerity and talent are sure to lead the ship, Gaurang Doshi’s passion and determination will give it the perfect anchor for some of the most promising cinemas of the upcoming year.
The partnership has sure pumped great excitement in the glamour world and the audience making us all hold our breaths for what the duo will bring on the table for us to line up in the days to come.
Arc Digitech is now offering free website SEO audits which help business owners understand the shortcomings that hinder their ranking on the SERP. Coming across roadblocks and then offering customized solutions is what makes this company one of the best in this industry.
Pune, India, July 19, 2019 —
Arc Digitech is turning heads with its free SEO consultancy to businesses from all industries and market segment. This organization is well aware of the importance of search engine optimization in modern times. Hence, a free consultation is an enticing and lucrative offer from them for any business.
Over the years of its presence in the digital marketing industry, this SEO Company in Pune has successfully catered to the needs of its clients. Arc Digitech is known for its quality SEO services and an array of other services in this field. The company has successfully completed numerous national and international projects which have increased their client’s ROIs.
By visiting their website, an individual can get an SEO audit that shows various factors where a website is lagging behind. In this competitive market, it is imperative to be more focused on SEO. Without proper ranking in SERP, an organization runs the risk of losing leads and thus, losing potential customers.
On being asked about the Free Website Audit Consultation, Samrat Biswajit, Founder, Arc Digitech said, “My team and I understand that every business entity requires an adequate online presence to survive in today’s market. Hence, we offer services which will enhance it and help them to rank in SERP easily. Arc Digitech also offers solutions to any search engine optimization related problem which comes into light after auditing a site.“
To get exceptional online visibility, Arc Digitech offer services associated with social media marketing. The company’s experts handle marketing through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. for engaging more potential customers. They also offer content writing services along with Pay per click ad management for acquiring maximum customers.
The free Website Audit consultation is aimed at leading business to rank at the top of SERP, which will offer ideal visibility and a colossal amount of traffic daily. Hence, whether it is a small, medium or a large-scale business, one requires hiring an SEO expert to enhance visibility on SERP after going through the free consultation.