Chiranjiv Patel – A social entrepreneur and a change maker

Patel is a mentor of the Startup India program run by Government of India. 

He is a thoughtful and mindful human being. His priorities have always revolved around curating opportunities and bringing in Change that only gives a fresh perspective to everything ordinary and mundane.

Chiranjiv Patel, MD of PC Snehal Group of Companies, believes in Change. Because Change is the only constant, he has given a new life to entrepreneurship by breaking stereotypes and supporting mentorship. He has proved bringing in an experienced person on board for a start-up can SAVE many things, passion, money, a good concept and A great future of our country.

He knows Youngsters these days are oozing out great concepts but don’t know how to execute it for long-term and let it survive as a successful venture. 

He has changed the way how budding entrepreneurs now look at their work, worth and concept. They don’t run to search for an investor but a mentor who can guide them through all kinds of days. 

The young entrepreneur has spent more than two decades exploring various options to be where he is today, and that makes him an experienced entrepreneur and mentor.

He is also the Global committee member in the prestigious Entrepreneurs’ Organisation, and he has travelled the world to get great exposure and learn various things from successful people around the globe. And his rich practical knowledge and will to do great to the youngsters by helping them inter startups has made him the official mentor of the Startup India program run by Government of India. 

Startup India is a well-known and received program amongst the youngsters who need guidance and help from experienced people like Chiranjiv Patel and believe in the gradual process of success and becoming an established business.

Chiranjiv Patel says, “I love to spend time with youngsters, to know what’s new happening across the world, how our future is going to be. To understand the challenges for startups and youngsters in the present times.” 

He adds, “The present times are challenging for any youngster to flourish because there is too much content and information available easily and that’s challenging. Theoretical research from the existing literature dons the practical experience, and that’s where the startups these days are not doing great in the long term. And to talk about practical experiences, one needs a mentor who can show both the positive and negative sides of a concept and the way ahead to live it all.”

Apart from Startup India program, The young entrepreneur Chiranjiv Patel has also curated a one of a kind mentorship program, Re. 1 Mentorship Program. The program allows growing with the gradual process and every day under the guidance of Chiranjiv Patel. To provide practical knowledge of his direction, he gives every selected startup an opportunity in his well-knitted networking world. And let the startups grow with him. 

The Changemaker, Chiranjiv Patel doesn’t believe in classroom knowledge, but he takes around 6-9 sessions with every entrepreneur, to design, plan and execute one new thing every day and let the business idea and concept flourish and bloom like never before.

“I love to see startups grow. I feel the youngsters these days believe to be perfectionists but forget that perfectionists don’t have a long way to go it is the explorer who wins the game. The one who makes the most of the mistakes is the experienced one and has a long way to go. 

I tell the budding entrepreneurs to grow, change and explore to know what exists and how subtly they have to bring in the Change,” says Chiranjiv Patel, founder-trustee of Karma Foundation.

To know more, visit

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HDFC: Q2 net profit declines by 28 percent

Housing Development Finance Corporation’s (HDFC) net benefit for the July-September (second quarter) of 2020-2021 dropped by 28 percent.

The housing finance provider clocked profit after tax of Rs 2,870 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 compared to Rs 3,962 crore reported during the corresponding quarter a year back. HDFC said during the Q2 individual loan application receipts grew 12 percent and approvals grew by 9 percent compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

Individual disbursements during the quarter ended September 30, 2020 were at 95% levels of the previous year. During the half-year ended September 30, 2020, HDFC provided 35% of home loans approved in volume terms and 18% in esteem terms have been to clients from the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Groups (LIG). The average size of individual credits remained at Rs 26.7 lakh.

“The individual disbursements during the quarter ended September 30, 2020, were at 95 per cent levels of the previous year,” it read.

As at September 30, 2020, individual loans comprise 75% of the Assets Under Management (AUM). On an AUM basis, the growth in the individual loan book was 9 per cent. The growth in the non-individual loan book was 13 per cent. The growth in the total loan book on an AUM basis was 10 per cent.

As per the statement, the gross non-performing loans as of September 30, 2020 stand at Rs 8,511 crore. This is equivalent to 1.81 per cent of the loan portfolio.

The non-performing loans of the individual portfolio stood at 0.84 per cent while that of the non-individual portfolio stood at 4.19 per cent.
The net interest income (NII) for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 showed a growth of 21 per cent as compared to the previous year and stands at Rs 3,647 crore.

History of HDFC:

A subsidiary of the Housing Development Finance Corporation, HDFC Bank was incorporated in 1994, with its registered office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Its first corporate office and a full-service branch at Sandoz House, Worli were inaugurated by the then Union Finance Minister, Manmohan Singh.

As of 30 June 2019, the Bank’s distribution network was at 5500 branches across 2,764 cities. The bank also installed 430,000 POS terminals and issued 23570,000 debit cards and 12 million credit cards in FY 2017.

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Importance of CIBIL Score in Personal Loans

Importance of CIBIL Score in Personal Loans

The credit score is the product of your credit history and is an indicator of your creditworthiness.

A personal loan is the best credit instrument when you are facing a financial emergency or an unexpected expense, such as hospital expenses, home renovations, marriage expenses, etc.

When you apply for a personal loan, the lender will collect information about you that will help in deciding whether to lend you money, how much to lend and at what interest rate. To get this information, the lender will access your credit report.

Your credit report is a statement that has information about your credit history and current credit situation. It also includes information about your existing and past loans, with details of how much you borrowed, and your repayment history. Based on your credit report, a credit score is assigned to you.

What Is a credit/CIBIL score?

A credit score is a three-digit number that is between 300 and 900. Although there are four credit bureaus that are authorized to give this credit score – CIBIL, Experian, Equifax and CRIF High Mark, the CIBIL score is the most popular one in India.

The credit score is the product of your credit history and is an indicator of your creditworthiness. All loan lenders, including banks, NBFCs, fintech lending companies and other financial institutions rely on credit score for approving the loan.

Importance of CIBIL Score in Personal Loans - Digpu News

How Important Is the Credit Score for a Personal Loan?

The personal loan lenders view borrowers with strong credit reports and higher credit scores as less risky. This means they are less likely to default on the loan. The lenders often offer loans with larger amounts and low-interest rates to these borrowers. On the other hand, borrowers with shakier credit reports and lower credit scores are often rejected a personal loan, but if they do get their loan approvals, they are with lower amounts and higher interest rates because of the perceived risk.

Minimum CIBIL Score for Personal Loan

The higher your credit score is, the better are your chances of getting your personal loan approved.  The ideal CIBIL/credit score to get a personal loan from a bank or NBFC is 750 or above.

Personal Loan on Low Credit Score?

It is possible to get a personal loan if you have a low credit score or no credit history. If you can convince your lender by highlighting the other strong criteria, such as income, employment, bank balance, etc. then there may be a strong possibility of your personal loan getting approved, despite a low credit score. However, you may be approved for a lower amount at a higher interest rate.

Approval of Loan Application

The CIBIL score also plays a crucial role in the time taken for loan approval. A high CIBIL score helps win the trust of your potential lenders, and the loan application is processed in the shortest time possible. Faster processing of your personal loan application means the money will be disbursed to you as soon as possible, so you can use it to address your urgent financial needs.


(Shiv Nanda is a financial analyst who currently lives in Bangalore (refusing to acknowledge the name change) and works with MoneyTap, India’s first app-based credit-line. A true finance geek, his friends rely on him for advice on their investment choices, budgeting skills, personal financial matters and when they want to get a loan.)

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First exam paper of Class 12th rescheduled, says JKBOSE

The development comes after the clash in dates for the upcoming JKSSB exams for Accounts Assistant posts with the two examinations on November 10.


The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) on Sunday rescheduled the first paper of Class 12th annual examinations.

The development comes after candidates appearing in upcoming J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) exams for Accounts Assistant posts complained of the clash in dates for the two examinations on November 10.

The first examination paper for the Class 12th would now be held on November 12. However, there is no change in the examination venue.

It is pertinent to mention here that JKBOSE earlier announced a 40 percent relaxation in the syllabus, much to the relief of student community.

The students appearing in these exams shall have to attempt only 60 per cent of the paper that will proportionally be evaluated as having attempted 100 per cent.

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Asian – African Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (AACCI) – The Ultimate Business Network

Asian – African Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (AACCI) – The Ultimate Business Network

Dr GD Singh flag offed AACCI with a big dream of connecting 102 countries across Asian-African continent, this article describes how he nurtured his dream with passion.

The idea of PAN Asian – African Industry chamber first transpired in early 2015, conceptualised by Dr GD Singh who is in a successful management consulting business by the name of Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited, besides having established a series of not for profit ventures where he had proven his inclination and indulgence for humanitarian deeds in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and United Nations Global Compact doctrines. He wasted no time in consulting the presidents/representatives of various Commerce Chambers and professionals of high repute from the entire Asian-African region with a view to giving the business communities of both these regions a voice and a tool to foster development. The birth of Asian African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AACCI) took place in late 2015, having its global registered secretariat as not for profit organisation in India.

Dr GD Singh flag offed AACCI with a big dream of connecting 102 countries across Asian-African continent and continuously nurtured his dream with passion while increasing its reach and network, the big moment came when the chamber was registered as a Foundation in the state of Delaware, USA as a private, non-stock corporation to act as a trade & business promoting chamber supporting SMEs and industries by means of representing them as the only bilateral chamber for the Asian and African regions and help them to build better economic growth and sustainable business.

AACCI is now developed into a transnational chamber working in conjunction and affiliation with other national and regional chamber partners, dedicated to spreading the support for trade, business and investment. It serves as the key liaising body representing the views of both African and Asian businesses and enterprises having business interests in their respective countries. As the voice of business, the chamber’s core objective is to advocate and enterprise with member countries’ parliaments, industry commissions, regulatory bodies, and governments around the Africa-Asian countries to create the ultimate business network for business leaders.

Group of Ambassadors at Asian-African Leadership Forum

The event was attended by Ambassador Anil Wadhwa — Former Secretary (East) Ministry of External Affairs of India; Mr. Vinod Sharma- Chairman for Southern India -AACCI; Ambassador Mahesh Sachdev – former Ambassador to Nigeria and President – AACCI, India; Mrs. Faduma Abdullahi Mohamud — Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Somalia; H.E. Maj. Gen. Chris Sunday Eze (Retd.) — High Commission of Federal Republic of Nigeria in India; Dr GO Singh- Founder & Chairman; Dr Neetu Singh- Secretary-General, AACCI; H.E. Mr. George Mkondiwa — High Commission of Malawi in India; H.E. Ms. Grace Akello — High Commission of Uganda in India; Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam – Counsellor (Political) Bangladesh High Commission.

As one of the fastest growing chambers AACCI has already created an impressive network of likeminded individuals as well as other growing industrial & business associations in various African and Asian countries. With Chapter offices in Nigeria, Ghana, Mauritius, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka, AACCI has also established its presence through partners in Uzbekistan, Kenya, Ethiopia, UAE, South Africa, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Rwanda etc. while the efforts are continuously going on for more outreach partners and associations along with more chapter offices, covering all the countries in the two continents. It has more than 50 members in its Governing Council and with over 250 members in its Global Board Advisory. With a speedily growing network base in Asia and Africa, AACCI has recently earned a name in India Glory Book of Records for being the Fastest Growing Chamber of Commerce & Industry in India under the title, ‘Fastest Growing Global Chamber Ranking’.

As part of the outreach for expansion & growth and for the benefit of its members, The chamber has successfully organized several conferences, business summits, seminars, exhibitions, roadshows, talk shows, panel discussions and award shows, addressing key business issues in various industrial sectors and felicitating those business leaders who have done remarkable work for the growth of trade and business in the two continents.

They organized Global Healthcare Leadership Forum on October 20, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India, addressing issues faced by healthcare industry. AACCI had organized their flagship program the first edition of Asian African Leadership Forum & Awards in New Delhi in November, 2019 which was graced by honourable diplomats from various countries along with film & TV celebrities, global business leaders, entrepreneurs, professionals etc.  Consequently second Asian African Leadership Forum & Awards was organized in New Delhi on 25th January, 2020. During the said program AACCI also launched its Asian-African Trade & Investment Report 2020.

We Invite memberships from industry leaders, SMEs, MSMEs & Entrepreneurs from across the globe to join the ultimate business network. The Chamber maintains a team of experts to help drive and to meet the challenges and goals, its pro-business agenda and the mission with which it was established.

To know more about AACCI – Check or you can email us your inquiries at [email protected]

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Future Billionaire Network International (FBNI) – Affinity Marketing Based Luxury Networking Platform

Future Billionaire Network International (FBNI) – Affinity Marketing Based Luxury Networking Platform

FBNI is a network where such young dynamic business minds who deem themselves a billionaire in the future would find solace in the midst of other likeminded business tycoons

Future Billionaire Network International, better known as FBNI is a corporate / individual membership based global affinity marketing and business networking platform. This is by-invitation-only members’ network from across various industrial sectors, especially catering to the need of young MDs, CEOs & Senior Executives who like to exchange great ideas and share experience for sustainable growth in business.

As somebody has rightly said, “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events but great minds discuss ideas, for great ideas to nurture, great minds need to deliberate together. FBNI has been founded on grounds of creating an environment where such great brains can discuss their ideas with likeminded people and support one another. This is about those dynamically remarkable people who think big from the day one, and are ready with determination and commitment to give their hundred percent behind it.

FBNI is a network where such young dynamic business minds who deem themselves a billionaire in the future would find solace in the midst of other likeminded business tycoons, easily accessible to showcase and discuss their better business proficiency which require outside support; a meeting place where skills would complement for businesses to flourish in the presence of needed resources to flow openly.

The brand FBNI has been founded & conceptualized by Dr GD Singh, Founder & President, Unified Brainz Group, a management and business consulting firm, essentially engaged to build and enhance the brand image of its global clients as well as converting unique ideas into workable business models. Dr Singh is successfully managing Asian African Chamber of Commerce & Industry network in about 102 countries apart from having other philanthropic ventures in his cap. Having close to two decades of experience in managing global networking, personal branding and affinity marketing, he thought of engaging FBNI to provide strategic foresight to public and private entities who envisage growing into global and principled organizations.

FUTURE BILLIONAIRE NETWORK INTERNATIONAL (FBNI) - Fastest Growing Affinity Marketing Based Luxury Networking Platform
The Team of Future Billionaire Network International (FBNI)

The event was attended by Ambassador Anil Wadhwa –Former Secretary (East) Ministry of External Affairs of India; Dr Neetu Singh- Managing Director, Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited; Ambassador Mahesh Sachdev- Former Ambassador of India to Nigeria; Dr GD Singh- Founder & President, Unified Brainz Group along with Senior Team Members of Unified Brainz Group

Today, FBNI is one of the fastest growing Affinity Marketing based networks within which premium companies work closely together at senior director level for mutual business and client development. The objective of FBNI is to facilitate co-operation and exciting new business development activities amongst top-end companies, under the umbrella of affinity marketing. Through FBNI, new business partnerships are created via strategic alignment, joint collaborations, product placements, endorsements, media sharing, B2B and B2C networking, sales and luxury showcase events and numerous other affinity marketing activities. Members of FBNI Network receive a comprehensive programme of new pre-planned professional business development activities and events to maximize their relationships with other FBNI members.

With strong focus in member engagements and collaborations, FBNI membership, which is yet to start is likely to grow at a tremendous pace once put in place. Backed by an excellent team from varied background and rapidly growing patrons, mentors and board advisory network, FBNI is set to embark in 2021 with a grand launch and plans to open its network in 26 countries in the first phase.

FBNI hosts annual summits, including the flagship Future Billionaire Economic Summit (FBES) and Future Billionaire Global Forum (FBGF), in order to identify and fix solutions to the most critical challenges faced by organizations today. Members jointly identify & discuss issues which are globally relevant and develop sustainable interdisciplinary solutions.

Come let’s collaborate to create better eco system for sustainable business with FBNI where business associates will get a platform to kick start through such alliances. FBNI invites likeminded professionals from different walks of life to join the ultimate network of future billionaires. FBNI invites nominations from different brands to cooperate and join affinity marketing and established business leaders to come on board as Patrons, Mentors or on our esteemed list of Board Advisory.

For more details on FBNI & its membership check or email your inquires at [email protected]

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Vistara flight redirected back to Mumbai due to bad weather in Goa

A Vistara flight was diverted back to Mumbai due to bad weather in Goa on Monday.

“UK 861 (BOM-GOI) has been diverted back to Mumbai due to Bad Weather(Poor Visibility) in Goa. Please stay tuned for further updates,” Vistara tweeted. 

Vistara later tweeted stating:

More about Vistara:

As of October 2019, Vistara serves 24 destinations with over 1200 flights a week. Its main hub is at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. Vistara’s first flight was on 9 January 2015, from Delhi to Mumbai. On 6 August 2019, the airline launched its first international flight from Delhi to Singapore using a Boeing 737-800NG aircraft which was earlier used by Jet Airways.

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WhatsApp confirms disappearing messages feature, check how it works

Facebook-owned instant messaging application WhatsApp confirmed its new exciting disappearing messages feature

This feature, once enabled, will make new messages sent in individual or group chats disappear after seven days. According to the information provided on the support page, enabling the settings won’t affect the messages previously sent or received in chat.

While the users can themselves turn disappearing messages on and off for individual chats, in a group chat, only the admins will get to use the feature.

With this, if a user doesn’t open Whatsapp in the seven-day time frame, the message will disappear, yet its preview might still be displayed in notifications until the App is opened. The feature, as per the App, won’t work if the disappearing message is forwarded, and in case the user creates a backup, however, when the user restores from a backup.

The settings for media download, if auto-download is turned on the receiving phone the images, videos will be automatically saved money on the device.

However, there is no option of customizing the time frame after which the messages will be deleted.

WhatsApp User Statistics

WhatsApp handled ten billion messages per day in August 2012, from two billion in April 2012, and one billion the previous October. On June 13, 2013, WhatsApp announced that they had reached their new daily record by processing 27 billion messages. WhatsApp “has done to SMS on mobile phones what Skype did to international calling on landlines”.

By April 22, 2014, WhatsApp had over 500 million monthly active users, 700 million photos and 100 million videos were being shared daily, and the messaging system was handling more than 10 billion messages each day.

On August 24, 2014, Koum announced on his Twitter account that WhatsApp had over 600 million active users worldwide. At that point WhatsApp was adding about 25 million new users every month, or 833,000 active users per day.

In May 2017, it was reported that WhatsApp users spend over 340 million minutes on video calls each day on the app. This is the equivalent of roughly 646 years of video calls per day.

By February 2017, WhatsApp had over 1.2 billion users globally, reaching 1.5 billion monthly active users by the end of 2017.

In January 2020, WhatsApp registers over 5 billion installs on Google Play Store making it only the second non-Google app to achieve this milestone.

As of February 2020, WhatsApp had over 2 billion users globally.

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Passion Vista – An Exemplary Marriage of Luxury, Lifestyle & Business

Passion Vista – An Exemplary Marriage of Luxury, Lifestyle & Business

Passion Vista, a global magazine on luxury, treats its voracious readers with special editions of the magazine with essence of their successful existence.

Passion Vista is released quarterly by Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited (UBVL) a Media & Publication House, founded and chaired by the ingenious Dr GD Singh who himself is a distinguished brand consultant, author, writer & media host. Along with his inspiring wife, Dr Neetu Singh, who is also the Managing Director of Unified Brainz Group; among the recent development Dr GD Singh conceived the idea to launch a full filled & entertaining talk show by the name “Gusto with GD” which will feature Passion Stories of illustrious Individuals who have made their mark in their career through their passion, this talk show shall be broadcasted across the globe through Unified Brainz official YouTube channel catering to Luxury, Lifestyle & Business Segment exclusively in collaboration with Passion Vista magazine.

Apart from its regular quarterly publications, Passion Vista treats its voracious readers with special editions of the magazine too that are often special coverage on people and places that capture the very essence of their successful existence. Every special edition of Passion Vista draws a lot of fan following on social media. The launch of every special collector’s edition is an extravaganza with invited guests ranging from royalties to Hollywood & Bollywood celebrities, business tycoons, famous international sports personalities, aristocratic socialites, diplomats, popular bloggers & influencers and who’s who of the society. The lavish launch parties draw a lot of attention on print & television media as well as social media that buzz loud with every launch to broadcast its success story.          

Passion Vista enjoyed its 1st Anniversary celebration in Los Angeles, Hollywood, USA in December 2019 through a 2 days extravaganza celebration on a private chartered luxury Yacht where it also unveiled a Special magazine edition, featuring “The Most Admired Global Indians-2019” and the annual gala awards showcase of its very special property titled “The PV Global Icons-2019” The response was overwhelming that created a strong stir on the social media afterwards. Following the legacy, Passion Vista is celebrating its 2nd Anniversary this year by releasing a Special Collector’s Edition, featuring “The Most Admired Global Indians-2020” and “The PV Global Icons-2020”.   

Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited is a leading management consulting firm which specializes into the personal branding domain for corporates & individual’s to ensure that they get the recognition they deserve through various projects & property which we create throughout the year.

Passion Vista – An Exemplary marriage of luxury, lifestyle & business.

The event was attended by Dr GD Singh, Editor In Chief – Passion Vista and Founder & President- Unified Brainz Group with Dr Neetu Singh, Managing Director- Unified Brainz Virtuoso Limited along with Unified Brainz Group Team

In order to emphasize the importance of Branding and Brand Building for individuals as well as organizations, Unified Brainz Group organizes an Annual Gala Award Show, Global Business Leadership Forum & Awards that identifies and recognizes most illustrious and successful business leaders, professionals and organizations from Corporates, SMEs and MSMEs and facilitates them for their remarkable achievements and unmatched brand equity. In past Unified Brainz Media and Publication House has also developed and published a unique Speaking Coffee Table Book, ‘Who’s Who of Industries’, featuring short biographies of 100 odd most eminent personalities via its Gujarat and Rajasthan editions. A digital technology called, Augmented Reality has been amalgamated in the coffee table book that enables a reader to watch the video just by scanning the page from the book for the concerned biography using a special mobile app.

If you are looking to invest in personal branding & recognition, please feel free to connect with us to know more about various projects running & also if you wish to scale up your business or for any strategic advice.

To know more about the Unified Brainz Group check: or email at [email protected]

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Hizbul Mujahideen chief Saifullah killed in Rangreth gunfight: IGP Kashmir

Hizbul Mujahideen chief Saifullah killed in Rangreth gunfight: IGP Kashmir

Calls it a big achievement for government forces in the Valley

Srinagar, J&K

Inspector-General of Police (Kashmir), Vijay Kumar while speaking to the reporters here in Srinagar city said that Hizbul Mujahideen’s chief operational commander for the Valley, Dr Saifullah has been killed by the government forces in a gunfight that erupted in Rangreth area.

Speaking to media, IGP Kumar said that on the basis of a specific lead, joint teams of Police and CRPF laid a cordon at Rangreth area and later Army also joined the operation.

“I am 95 per cent sure that the militant killed in the gunfight is Hizb chief operational commander Dr Saifullah who had taken over the reins of Hizb after the killing of its former chief Reyaz Naikoo in an encounter in May this year,” the IGP said.

Hizbul Mujahideen chief Saifullah killed in Rangreth gunfight IGP Kashmir - Digpu News
File Photo – Dr Saifullah with slain Burhan Wani and other Hizb militants

He added a suspect and not the militant has been arrested at the encounter site who is being questioned. Earlier, there were rumors that a militant was captured alive.

“The encounter is almost over. We are sanitizing the area and clearing it as there may be some leftover grenades et cetera,” he said.

“It’s a big success as he was the chief of the Hizbul Mujahideen outfit. He had taken over the control of the outfit after the killing of Reyaz Naikoo. So it’s really a very big achievement,” the IGP said.

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